1. The living one has pained you when they left,
So the tears of the eyes flow confused.
١. شَجاكَ الحَيُّ إِذ بانوا
فَدَمعُ العَينِ تَهتانُ
2. Among them a doe-eyed gazelle,
Of smooth cheeks and shining teeth.
٢. وَفيهِم أَلعَسٌ أَغيَ
دُ ساجي الطَرفِ وَسنانُ
3. I cannot forget though the separation is long,
The pangs of parting are severe.
٣. وَلَم أَنسَ وَقَد زُمَّت
لَوَشكِ البَينِ أَظعانُ
4. His mouth has plundered me,
And he turned away hastening.
٤. وَقَد أَنهَبَني فاهُ
وَوَلّى وَهوَ عَجلانُ
5. Say in a sweet meadow,
Where a thirsty one meets it.
٥. فَقُل في مَكرَعٍ عَذبٍ
وَقَد وافاهُ عَطشانُ
6. And a hug that is not made good,
By the branches for him in the wind.
٦. وَضَمٍّ لَم تُحَسِّنُهُ
لَهُ في الريحِ أَغصانُ
7. As a drowning clings to driftwood,
While the water is a deluge.
٧. كَما ضَمَّ غَريقٌ سا
بِحاً وَالماءُ طَوفانُ
8. We did not fear people,
Is there really a human among people?
٨. وَما خِفنا مِنَ الناسِ
وَهَل في الناسِ إِنسانُ
9. We repaid the Umayyads,
We made them as low as they made us.
٩. جَزَينا الأُمَويِّينَ
وَدِنّاهُم كَما دانوا
10. And they tasted the fruit of tyranny,
And we betrayed them as they betrayed us.
١٠. وَذاقوا ثَمَرَ البَغيّ
وَخُنّاهُم كَما خانوا
11. For good and for evil,
In God's grasp is the scale.
١١. وَلِلخَيرِ وَلِلشَرِّ
بِكَفِّ اللَهِ ميزانُ
12. If not for us blood would be shed,
Uselessly and freely.
١٢. وَلَولا نَحنُ قَد ضاعَ
دَمٌ بِالطَفَّ مَجّانُ
13. So O you for whom the grave,
And clay of the grave is an offering.
١٣. فَيا مَن عِندَهُ القَبرُ
وَطينُ القَبرِ قُربانُ
14. With swords for you Hussain fell,
Thirsty he was.
١٤. بِأَسيافٍ لَكُم أَودى
حُسَينٌ وَهوَ ظَمآنُ
15. In his frown of despair,
Are the colors of death's face.
١٥. يُرى في وَجهِهِ الجَهمِ
لِوَجهِ المَوتِ أَلوانُ
16. And the wont of Alawites,
Is their ingratitude and unbelief.
١٦. وَدَأبُ العَلَويِّينَ
لَهُم جَحدٌ وَكُفرانُ
17. Why then withholding,
When there is no benevolence?
١٧. فَهَلّا كانَ إِمساكٌ
إِذا لَم يَكُ إِحسانُ
18. They falsely blame them,
Why were they not like them?
١٨. يَلومونَهُمُ ظُلماً
فَهَلّا مِثلَهُم كانوا