1. The preacher with graying hair admonished me to piety, while my heart remained playful.
He showed me the face of death drawing near, yet I continued headlong.
١. صاحَ بِالوَعظِ شَيبُ رَأسٍ مُضِيُّ
حَثَّني لِلتُقى وَقَلبي بَطِيُّ
2. The pleasures of the world have enchanted me, and my accustomed indulgences, so my body is aged while my heart remains a child's.
I have vanquished reason with passion, so the lamp of guidance is obscured beneath the darkness.
٢. وَأَراني وَجهَ المَنِيَّةِ مِن قُر
بٍ وَلَكِنَّني عَلَيها جَرِيُّ
3. The eye of my mentor has abandoned me to my heedlessness and a harsh night has descended upon me.
It has changed my bygone nights when my ignorance made me recoil from events.
٣. سَحَرَتني الدُنيا وَعاداتُ لَذّا
تي فَجِسمي كَهلٌ وَقَلبي صَبِيُّ
4. The boughs of worldly life are near, its streams gentle,
While the abode of Sulayma continues to decay, worn by time,
٤. أَصرَعُ العَقلَ بِالهَوى فَسِراجُ ال
راشِدِ مِن تَحتُ بِالظَلامِ خَفِيُّ
5. Like the empty desert tents, their ropes frayed,
Where the jackals and wild beasts howl.
٥. تَرَكَتني عَينُ الخَلِيُّ لِما بي
وَتَمَطّى عَلَيَّ لَيلٌ قَسِيُّ
6. Some recent ruins, others long collapsed,
Their curved and twisted pillars eaten by dawn and dusk.
٦. غَيرَ لَيلاتي القَديمَةِ إِذ دَه
رِيَ غِرٌّ بِالحادِثاتِ غَبِيُّ
7. So they belong each day to the wind and their remoteness makes humans seem strange.
Every abode has a duty of tears to shed from my eyes until the rain clouds are sated.
٧. وَغُصونُ الدُنيا قَريبٌ جَناها
وَغَديرُ الحَياةِ صافٍ هَنِيُّ
8. An evil soul has punished me with enmity and estrangement, while my susceptible heart still flows.
I am astonished that those who wished evil upon me did not hurt me, for my Lord is High, Knowing, and Generous.
٨. لَم تَزَل بِالرَحيلِ دارُ سُلَيمى
يَتَهادى بِها المَها الوَحشِيُّ
9. Beware, o envious ones, do not deny me forgiveness, for it is my flesh that is weak.
I am the eminent one, who bears the burden as time, the weeping one, passes.
٩. مُشعَلَتٌ مِثلُ الفَساطيطِ قَدرُ
كَزَّ فيها الصِعادُ وَالخَطِّيُّ
10. The train of my coat fills the earth as the flooding torrent fills its banks.
The scales weigh for me a kingdom and glory — none of mankind is my equal.
١٠. وَمِنَ العُفرِ بارِحٌ وَسَنيحٌ
جامِدُ الظَلفِ قَرنُهُ مَلوِيُّ
11. Yet I supposed the wretched and resentful ones to be happy and fortunate.
They turned from me but did not harm me, for I have a Lord Most High, Bountiful.
١١. وَثَلاثٌ حَنَّت لِنَوءِ رَمادٍ
يَأكُلُ الصُبحُ جَمرَهُ وَالعَشِيُّ
12. An open expanse where the winds howl and frighten the demons,
Where the great birds land before it, their wings outstretched.
١٢. فَهيَ لِلريحِ كُلَّ يَومٍ وَلِلقَط
رِ غَريبٌ في رَبعِها الإِنسِيُّ
13. I have crossed it, underneath me a steed swift in gallop and strong.
The reins are pulled taut, like a tightly strung bow.
١٣. كُلُّ دارٍ لَها وَظيفَةُ دَمعٍ
مِن جُفوني حَتّى تَكِلَّ المَطِيُّ
14. Like the son of a barren land who found an isolated rain,
That poured towards him while plentiful and pure.
١٤. عاقَبَتني شُرَيرُ بِالصَدِّ وَالهَج
رِ وَتَحتَ العِقابِ قَلبٌ جَرِيُّ
15. His lands flourished with vegetation, its sap cold and sweet.
Sitting on the earth, he sends up a foot to walk among the fresh verdure.
١٥. وَتَعَجَّبتُ مِن مَعاشِرَ دَسّوا
لِيَ شَرّاً وَاللَهُ كافٍ عَلِيُّ
16. Whenever he sinks into the soil, it forms for him a soft bed.
So he lives there secure from the reach of the seekers of plunder, with water, onions and mint around him.
١٦. حَذَراً أَيُّها الحَسودُ فَلا تَغ
فِر لِلَحمي فَإِنَّ لَحمي وَبِيُّ
17. A stallion neighing loudly as a refined mare neighs melodiously.
The seasons agree with him there, and he has a resting place, a siesta spot, a pleasant summer and autumn.
١٧. أَنا جاهُ الناسِ الَّذي يَحمِلُ العِب
ءَ وَيُمري بِهِ الزَمانُ البَكِيُّ
18. When he clasps money in his palms he walks about content and carefree.
Pregnant camels have filled him with anxiety so he walks behind them slowly.
١٨. ساحِبُ ذَيلٍ جَحفَلٍ يَملَءُ الأَر
ضَ كَما عَمَّ حافَتَيهِ الأَتِيُّ
19. They come to him together as revelation drew its followers.
He calls them to the water, thirsty, and the unruly one hastens to drink.
١٩. راجِحٌ بي ميزانُ مُلكٍ وَمَجدٍ
لَيسَ فيهِ مِنَ الأَنامِ كَفِيُّ
20. Whenever he smells a pregnant one he smells the leg of her restless foal.
Emerging from the shade of palms, as the debauched and vain one shed his garb.
٢٠. ثُمَّ ظَنّي بِأَنَّ ما يَسعَدُ العا
قِلُ وَالحاسِدُ المُعَنّى الشَقِيُّ
21. Bargaining and pulling has left them like leather sacks.
For them the clear water in the polished trough appeared,
٢١. ضَنَّ عَنّي فَلَم يَضِرني حَسودي
وَحَباني رَبٌّ عَلِيٌّ سَخِيُّ
22. Rippling over the pebbles from which the wind had stolen the moss.
When a pearl of sunlight laughs upon it, jewels are shed over it.
٢٢. وَفَلاةٍ عَمياءَ يَردى بِها السَفَ
رُ خَلاءٍ يَهابُها الجَنِيُّ
23. Amid trees and bushes he sings, above their branches like the shining moon.
There he has supplies for arrows stained with blood,
٢٣. تَقِفُ العُصَّفُ الزَعازِعُ فيها
وَلَها قَبلَها جَناحٌ سَرِيُّ
24. Each day a roasted lamb, its fat dripping.
He lies in wait for them with a sharpened carving knife, its blade glowing red over the embers.
٢٤. قَد تَجاوَزتُها وَتَحتي سَبوحٌ
ذو مَطارٍ في عَدوِهِ مَهرِيُّ
٢٥. وَيُمَدُّ الزِمامُ مِنهُ بِجِزعٍ
مِثلَ ما مُدَّ حَيَّةٌ مَطوِيُّ
٢٦. كَاِبنِ قَفرٍ أَصابَ غَيثاً خَلاءً
جادَهُ صَوبُ وابِلٍ وَسَمِيُّ
٢٧. وَأَجادَت بِلادُهُ بِنَباتٍ
عِرقُهُ بارِدُ الشَرابِ غَنِيُّ
٢٨. قاعِداً في الثَرى يُطَيِّرُ ساقاً
يَتَمَشّى فيها شَبابٌ وَرِيُّ
٢٩. وَلَهُ كُلَّما تَغَلغَلَ في الأَر
ضِ فِراشٌ مِنَ التُرابِ وَطِيُّ
٣٠. فَخَلا مِنهُ آمِناً باغِيَ الطَل
عِ لَهُ مَشرَبٌ وَبَقلٌ جَنِيُّ
٣١. شاحِجٌ يَرفَعُ النَهيقَ كَما غَر
رَدَ حادٍ بِأَينَقٍ نَجدِيُّ
٣٢. طابَ فيهِ لَهُ مَراحٌ وَمَغدىً
وَمَصيفٌ عِدٌ وَمَشتىً عَدِيُّ
٣٣. فَلَهُ حينَ يَقبِضُ المالُ كَفَّي
هِ وَيَمشي النَهارَ بالٌ رَخِيُّ
٣٤. شَغَلَتهُ لَواقِحٌ مَلَأَتهُ
عِبرَةً فَهوَ خَلفَهُنَّ كَمِيُّ
٣٥. قابَلنَ جَمعَها إِلَيهِ كَما جَمَّ
عَ أَتباعَهُ إِلَيهِ الوَحِيُّ
٣٦. فَدَعاها لِمَشرَبِ الماءِ عَطشا
نَ فَكَرَّت لِوَقعِهِنَّ بَغِيُّ
٣٧. كُلَّما شَمَّ لاقِحاً شَمَّ مِنها
رَأسَ فَحلٍ بِرِجلِها مَغلِيُّ
٣٨. خارِجٌ مِن ظِلالِ نَقعٍ كَما مَز
زَقَ جِلبابَهُ الخَليعُ الغَوِيُّ
٣٩. قَد طَواها التَسويقُ وَالشَدُّ حَتّى
هُنَّ قُبٌّ كَأَنَّهُنَّ الرَكِيُّ
٤٠. فَتَبَدّى لَهُنَّ بِالنَجَفِ المَقفِي
يُ ماءٌ صافي الجِمامِ غَرِيُّ
٤١. يَتَمَشّى عَلى حَصىً سَلَبَ الري
حُ قَذاهُ فَمَتنُهُ مَجلِيُّ
٤٢. فَإِذا ضاحَكَتهُ دُرَّةُ شَمسٍ
خِلتَهُ كُسِّرَت عَلَيهِ الحِلِيُّ
٤٣. وَسَطَ غابٍ وَأَيكَةٍ يَتَغَنّى
فَوقَ أَغصانِ أَيكِها القُمرِيُّ
٤٤. عِندَها مُلحَمٌ لِسَهمٍ خَضيبٍ
كُلَّ يَومٍ لَهُ شِواءٌ طَريُّ
٤٥. فَتَمَطّى لَهُ بِأَهزَعَ ماضٍ
موقَدِ النَصلِ مَتنُهُ مَبرِيُّ