1. And after repenting, he corrupted my heart
He visited me before my guidance at the time of his falsehood
١. وَشادِنٍ أَفسَدَ قَل
بي بَعدَ حُسنِ تَوبَتِه
2. He came with an army of beauty in its multitude and equipment
Life and death are in his union and separation
٢. وَزارَني مِن قَبلِ إِع
لامي بِوَقتِ زَورَتِه
3. His bow and arrow, his sword in his glance
His arrows scattered before him from his gaze
٣. جاءَ بِجَيشِ الحُسنِ في
عَديدِهِ وَعُدَّتِه
4. His banner of banners shone above his headdress
The letter Noon of his Azariyon banner flashes on his right
٤. العَيشُ وَالمَماتُ في
وِصالِهِ وَهِجرَتِه
5. The mole of Habeshi beauty contrasting in color on his left
And death in his legs that he walks with in his will
٥. وَقَوسُهُ وَسَهمُهُ
وَسَيفُهُ في لَحظَتِه
6. So abstinence had no escape from his power
And repentance died as soon as his awe appeared
٦. قُدّامَهُ سِهامُهُ
مَبثوثَةٌ مِن نَظرَتِه
7. And Satan came to disgrace me with his rising
And I knew what I suspect is from his aggression
٧. وَعِلمُهُ مِن عَلَمٍ
أَشرَقَ فَوقَ طُرَّتِه
8. So my Lord did not cease to remind me of Him and the pardon of His power
And He said to me what you said and more in His mercy
٨. وَنونُ آذَريونِهِ
يَلوحُ في مَيمَنَتِه
٩. وَخالُ حُسنٍ حَبَشِي
يُ اللَونِ في مَيسَرَتِه
١٠. وَالمَوتُ في ساقَيهِ قَد
يُمِرُّهُ في مِشيَتِه
١١. فَلَم يَكُن لِلزُهدِ إِل
لا فِرَةٌ مِن سَطوَتِه
١٢. وَماتَتِ التَوبَةُ لَم
ما أَن بَدا مِن هَيبَتِه
١٣. وَجاءَ إِبليسُ يُهَن
ني نَظَري بِطَلعَتِه
١٤. وَقَد عَلِمتُ ما أَشُك
كُ أَنَّ ذا مِن بُغيَتِه
١٥. فَلَم يَزَل يُذكِرُني
رَبّي وَعَفوَ قُدرَتِه
١٦. وَقالَ لي ما قُلتَهُ
وَغَيرُهُ في رَحمَتِه