
O you who steals surreptitious glances at me,

يا من يسارقني النظر

1. O you who steals surreptitious glances at me,
Yet when I look at you, you turn and flee,

١. يا مَن يُسارِقُني النَظَر
وَإِذا نَظَرتُ إِلَيهِ فَر

2. Why do I see your shy eyes dart about,
Never lingering here with me?

٢. ما لي أَرى لَحظاتِ عَي
نِكَ عِندَنا لا تَستَقِر

3. If words you spare, begrudging speech,
At least let your eyes linger within my reach,

٣. إِن كُنتَ تَبخَلُ بِالكَلا
مِ فَلا أَقَلَّ مِنَ النَظَر

4. My frail body confesses with its sickness,
I am love's wounded wreck on the beach.

٤. جِسمي يَقولُ بِسُقمِهِ
عِندي مِنَ الحُبُّ الخَبَر