
He captured my heart, so it complains of him,

أسر القلب فأمسى لديه

1. He captured my heart, so it complains of him,
And complains to him.

١. أَسَرَ القَلبَ فَأَمسى لَدَيهِ
فَهوَ يَشكوهُ وَيَشكو إِلَيهِ

2. Beauty is unveiled on his cheeks,
And Venus ascended in his glances.

٢. خُلِعَ الحُسنُ عَلى وَجنَتَيهِ
وَرُقى هاروتَ في مُقلَتَيهِ

3. I have no patience nor do I pretend to.
My tears bear witness to their flowing blood.

٣. لَيسَ لي صَبرٌ وَلا أَدَّعيهِ
يُشهِدُ الدَمعُ دَماً سائِليهِ

4. If the reproachers saw what was in my heart,
By God, they would find none but you in it.

٤. لَو رَأى العُذّالُ ما بِقَلبِيَ لَم
يَجِدوا وَاللَهِ غَيرَكَ فيهِ

5. I say not, "You are the full moon,"
Nor "You are a flexile bough," I do not desire that.

٥. لا أَقولُ البَدرُ أَنتَ وَلا
غُصنُ بانٍ أَنتَ لا أَشتَهيهِ