
And armies I bombarded with flames

وجنود رميتهم بحريق

1. And armies I bombarded with flames
That blaze when feeling a breeze

١. وَجُنودٍ رَمَيتُهُم بِحَريقٍ
يَتَلَظّى إِذا أَحَسَّ بِريحِ

2. My eyes were delighted when seeing them fall
Like well-crafted necklaces with gems

٢. قَرَّتِ العَينُ إِذ رَأَتهُم سُقوطاً
كَيَسارٍ مِنَ الصَنيعِ المَليحِ

3. Long they had invaded my home
And expelled me from the sweet scent of roofs

٣. طالَما قَد حَمَوا عَلَيَّ دِياري
وَنَفَوني عَن طيبِ ريحِ السُطوحِ