
Her name is Doe though her voice

دبسية الاسم لكن

1. Her name is Doe though her voice
Is a screech like a camel's bray

١. دِبسِيَّةُ الاِسمِ لَكِن
نَ صَوتَها صَوتُ عَيرِ

2. Grasping is her every deed
Like a hawk seizing prey

٢. قَبّاضَةٌ كُلَّ أَمرٍ
كَقَبضِ بازِ الطَيرِ

3. She asked us how are you
My eyes while we are well

٣. قالَت لَنا كَيفَ أَنتُم
عَيني وَنَحنُ بِخَيرِ

4. You have sickened my heart so it
Can no longer serve the cell

٤. أَمرَضتِ قَلبي فَما إِن
يُطيقُ خِدمَةَ ديرِ