
Rise, let's greet the morn, for nights of union are moonlit,

قم نصطبح فليالي الوصل مقمرة

1. Rise, let's greet the morn, for nights of union are moonlit,
As if dawn's gathering has lit their darkness.

١. قُم نَصطَبِح فَلَيالي الوَصلِ مُقمِرَةٌ
كَأَنَّها بِاِجتِماعِ الشَملِ أَسحارُ

2. And time in its heedlessness has slept, its events
Lulled, till song awakened us to pleasure.

٢. وَالدَهرُ في غَفلَةٍ نامَت حَوادِثُهُ
وَنَبَّهَتنا إِلى اللِذّاتِ أَوتارُ

3. See how four joys for revelry are gathered:
Wine and lute and pipe and tuned guitar.

٣. أَما تَرى أَربَعاً لِلَّهوِ قَد جُمِعَت
جُنكٌ وَعودٌ وَقانونٌ وَمِزمارُ

4. So seize some joy from life while rapture lasts,
For all delight must fade, but tales remain.

٤. فَخُذ بِحَظٍّ مِنَ الدُنيا فَلَذَّتُها
تَفنى وَيَبقى رِواياتٌ وَأَخبارُ