
Blaming you, O my life, is praising myself

ذمك يا دنياي مدح نفسي

1. Blaming you, O my life, is praising myself
You have lessened my provisions and prolonged my imprisonment

١. ذَمُّكِ يا دُنيايَ مَدحُ نَفسي
أَقلَلتِ زادي وَأَطَلتِ حَبسي

2. Tomorrow, my wishes and despair of yesterday
And today of sorrows and weddings

٢. غَداً أَمانِيَّ وَيَأسي أَمسي
وَاليَومَ مِن مَآتِمٍ وَعُرسِ

3. I do not lose loneliness in the company of friends
Bliss to us and under the dust of worms

٣. لا أَفقَدُ الوَحشَةَ عِندَ الأُنسِ
طوبى لَنا وَتَحتَ تُربِ الرَمسِ

4. Sorrow is not known when the evening comes

٤. لا يُعرَفُ الهَمُّ إِذا ما يُمسي