1. His tears bespeak the secrets held within
Though to his lord he's ever kith and kin
١. بُكاهُ عَلى ما في الضَميرِ دَليلُ
وَلَكِنَّ مَولاهُ عَلَيهِ بَخيلُ
2. A heart is torn by yearning's jagged shards
As tears disobey the lids that tightly pin
٢. وَلَي كَبِدٌ أَمسى يُقَطِّعُهُ الهَوى
وَدَمعٌ عَصى الأَجفانَ وَهُوَ يَسيلُ
3. So chide me not for loving her, my friend
For among lovers, that is no great sin
٣. فَيا عاذِلي لا تُحزِنَنّي بِغادَتي
فَما ذاكَ بَينَ العاشِقَينَ جَميلُ
4. Shall I but die in ardor for her sake
While my companion stays oblivious in?
٤. فَهَل لِيَ إِلّا أَن أَموتَ بِحُبِّها
ضَياعاً وَلا يَدري بِذاكَ خَليلُ
5. To you we spur the stallions, breathing gusts
As night's eyelash is lined with kohl pencil thin
٥. إِلَيكَ اِمتَطَينا العيسَ تَنفُخُ في السُرى
وَلِلَّيلِ طَرفٌ بِالصَباحِ كَحيلُ
6. Brave boys made heedless by their passion's heat
As though beneath the spearheads they had been
٦. وَفِتيانِ هَيجٍ باذِلينَ نُفوسَهُم
كَأَنَّهُمُ تَحتَ الرِماحِ وُعولُ
7. I bared the blades from each embroidered sheath
That drips, once drawn by grasping hands, blood-red within
٧. وَجَرَّدتُ مِن أَغمادِهِ كُلَّ مُرهَفٍ
إِذا ما اِنتَضَتهُ الكَفُّ كادَ يَسيلُ
8. Atop his saddle sits the lance, as though
The heavy spear's exhaled its breath therein
٨. تَرى فَوقَ مِتنَيهِ الفِرِندَ كَأَنَّما
تَنَفَّسَ فيهِ القَينُ وَهُوَ ثَقيلُ
9. I taught him how to grasp the spear's smooth shaft
And wet the blade with death-dew harsh and grim
٩. فَأَعلَمتُهُ كَيفَ التَصافُحُ بِالقَنا
وَكَيفَ تُرَوّى البيضُ وَهيَ مُحولُ
10. Swift he is to make enemies expire
Though his visage stays gentle, pure and keen
١٠. سَريعٌ إِلى الأَعداءِ أَمّا جَنانُهُ
فَماضٍ وَأَمّا وَجهُهُ فَجَميلُ