
Will you not refrain, lest you fall short of your desire?

ألا تسلو فتقصر عن هواكا

1. Will you not refrain, lest you fall short of your desire?
Will you not realize, before the graying of your head deceives you?

١. أَلا تَسلو فَتَقصُرَ عَن هَواكا
أَلا وَمَشيبُ رَأسِكَ خانَ ذاكا

2. I see you growing more adept at transgressions
The longer your days in this world become

٢. أَراكَ تَزيدُ حِذقاً بِالمَعاصي
إِذا ما طالَ في الدُنيا مَداكا