1. Joy has returned to you during holidays,
And you have become happy with your life's bliss.
١. عادَ السُرورُ إِلَيكَ في الأَعيادِ
وَسَعِدتَ مِن دُنياكَ بِالإِسعادِ
2. Fulfilling gratitude you may have carried lightly,
Yet with kindness you have made it heavy.
٢. وَقَضاءُ شُكرٍ رُبَّما حَمَّلتَهُ
رِفقاً فَقَد أَثقَلتَهُ بِأَيادِ
3. The souls were led with awe and love,
A full moon appeared, donning black attire.
٣. قادَ النُفوسَ مَهابَةً وَمَحَبَّةً
بَدرٌ بَدا مُتَعَمِّماً بِسَوادِ
4. I see no one who resembles him among all I see,
The mother of generosity, few are her sons.
٤. ما إِن أَرى شَبَهاً لَهُ فيما أَرى
أُمُّ الكِرامِ قَليلَةُ الأَولادِ