1. My lover blamed me, though I was not to blame for my misguidance,
Oh, how I wish that stinginess and withholding were a worse evil!
١. صَحا عاذِلي عَنّي وَلَم أَصحُ مِن ضَلّي
وَيا حَبَّذا شُرٌّ عَلى المَنعِ وَالبَذلِ
2. I gave her my heart, so do not seek my blood,
She owes me no redemption or murder.
٢. وَهَبتُ لَها قَلبي فَلا تَطلُبوا دَمي
وَلَيسَ عَلَيها مِن فِداءٍ وَلا قَتلِ
3. I have not seen the like of blamers in passion,
I have left them to their own devices and tended my own,
٣. وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ العاذِلينَ عَلى الهَوى
جَعَلتُ لَهُم شُغلاً وَخَلّاهُمُ شُغلي
4. My friend, go around with wine and take the initiative,
The rest of my life, and peace be upon the likes of me,
٤. خَليلَيَّ طوفا بِالمُدامِ وَبادِرا
بَقيَّةَ عُمري وَالسَلامُ عَلى مِثلي
5. Behold, it is my body to the soul of one who rides freely,
One day it must be stripped of its trappings,
٥. أَلا إِنَّها جِسمي لِروحِ مَطِيَّةٌ
وَلا بُدَّ يَوماً أَن تَعَرّى مِنَ الرَحلِ
6. And O' you who blame me, why not be busy with one who listens
As I am busy with my cup, heedless of blame?
٦. وَياعاذِلي هَلّا اِشتَغَلتَ بِسامِعٍ
كَما أَنا مَشغولٌ بِكَأسي عَنِ العَذلِ