1. Lighter than nothing in his prostration
As if stung on his forehead
١. أَخَفُّ مِن لا شَيءَ في سَجدَتِهِ
كَأَنَّهُ يُلسَعُ في جَبهَتِه
2. That wicked old man I know him
Passing by the brothers with his expression
٢. وَشَيخُ سوءٍ ذاكَ عِلمي بِهِ
يَمري عَلى الإِخوانَ مِن نَكهَتِه
3. And lice above his head covering
While people avert their gaze from his station
٣. وَدَيدَبانٌ فَوقَ ساباطِهِ
وَالناسُ مُنغِضونَ عَن وَقفَتِه
4. Apples cascading on his cheek
Lilies blossoming in his beard
٤. تَسَدَّرَ التُفّاحُ في خَدِّهِ
وَنَوَّرَ السَوسَنُ في لِحيَتِه
5. He brought us his proofs
Yet we see no proof in his claim
٥. وَقَد أَتانا بِبَراهينِهِ
وَما نَرى البُرهانَ في حُجَّتِه
6. Inheriting the swindler from his grandfather
And from his father so he holds his rank
٦. وَوَرِثَ الهاضومَ عَن جَدِّهِ
وَعَن أَبيهِ فَهوَ في رُتبَتِه
7. That is excellent, beneficial medicine
Which cures whatever ails his stomach
٧. ذاكَ دَواءٌ جَيِّدٌ نافِعٌ
يُصلِحُ ما يَشكوهُ مِن مِعدَتِه