1. Now my heart is delighted by the glance of the gazelle,
And sways like a branch, leaning and straightening.
١. الآنَ سَرَّت فُؤادي مُقلَةُ الريمِ
وَاِهتَزَّ كَالغُصنِ في مَيلٍ وَتَقويمِ
2. Now the lover whispers intimately to his beloved,
And hastens the moment in affection and surrender.
٢. الآنَ ناجى بِوَحيِ الحُبِّ عاشِقَهُ
وَاِستَعجَلَ اللَحظَ في وُدٍّ وَتَسليمِ
3. I have been kissing her while the night guards over us,
Until dawn emerged, whitening the horizons.
٣. قَد بِتُّ أَلثِمُهُ وَاللَيلُ حارِسُنا
حَتّى بَدا الصُبحُ مُبيَضَّ المَقاديمِ
4. And the herald of darkness arose above the wall,
As if calling to prayer from a high, just minaret.
٤. وَقامَ ناعي الدُجى فَوقَ الجِدارِ كَما
نادى عَلى مَرقَبٍ شادٍ بِتَحكيمِ
5. The moon takes it, then a cloud leaves it,
As if it were a traveller from a cursed face.
٥. وَالبَدرُ يَأخُذُهُ غَيمٌ وَيَترُكُهُ
كَأَنَّهُ سافِرٌ عَن وَجهِ مَلطومِ
6. So think what you wish - the needs of the troubled one
Are fulfilled, and the request is not denied.
٦. فَظُنَّ ما شِئتَ ما حاجاتُ ذي طَرَبٍ
مَقضِيَّةٌ وَسُؤالٌ غَيرُ مَحرومِ
7. O night of union, if only the dawn would neglect it!
O night of union, last forever, just like this last forever!
٧. يا لَيلَةَ الوَصلِ لَيتَ الصُبحَ يَهجِرُها
يا لَيلَةَ الوَصلِ دومي هَكَذا دومي
8. Our jugs have turned red, dressed in their straps,
Where the water-bearers are, praising and glorifying.
٨. باتَت أَباريقُنا حُمراً عَصائِبُها
حَيثُ السُقاةُ بِتَكبيرٍ وَتَعظيمِ
9. Our night did not cease to be watered, scintillating,
As if the water enticed it with murmuring.
٩. فَلَم نَزَل لَيلَنا نُسقى مُشَعشَعَةً
كَأَنَّما المَءُ يُغريها بِتَصريمِ
10. As if in its cup, as the water pours into it,
Is the bustling of ants or engraved seals.
١٠. كَأَنَّ في كَأسِها وَالماءُ يَفرَعُها
أَكارِعَ النَملِ أَو نَقشَ الخَواتيمِ
11. My companion was a hand that did not match a thousand hands,
And did not return the goblet red with coral.
١١. لا صاحَبَتني يَدٌ لَم تُغنِ أَلفَ يَدٍ
وَلَم تَرُدَّ القَنا حُمرَ الخَياشيمِ
12. Be quick with your generosity, be quick before an obstacle!
For in my eyes, the promise of a young man is blameworthy.
١٢. بادِر بِجودِكَ بادِر قَبلَ عائِقَةٍ
فَإِنَّ وَعدَ الفَتى عِندي مِنَ اللَومِ