1. O killer who cares not for what he has done
You shot my heart with love's arrow and it cracked
١. يا قاتِلاً لا يُبالي بِالَّذي صَنَعا
رَمَيتَ قَلبي بِسَهمِ الحُبِّ فَاِنصَدَعا
2. If not for the rod that trembles over the soft dune
I would have doubted you and the risen moon
٢. لَولا القَضيبُ الَّذي يَهتَزُّ فَوقَ نَقاً
شَكَكتُ فيكَ وَفي البَدرِ الَّذي طَلَعا
3. I have repented with repentance after righteousness and how many
Travelers in piety and devotion have returned
٣. قَد تُبتُ مِن تَوبَتي بَعدَ الصَلاحِ وَكَم
مُسافِرٍ في التُقى وَالنُسكِ قَد رَجَعا
4. Guidance died then he revived it with his rising
So today it originates in my murder of him with prayer
٤. ماتَ الهُدى ثُمَّ أَحياهُ بِطَلعَتِهِ
فَاليَومُ يُبدِعُ في قَتلي لَهُ بِدَعا
5. Do you not see the joy of days has returned
And the people in a kingdom and religion gathered
٥. أَلا تَرى بَهجَةَ الأَيّامِ قَد رَجِعَت
وَالناسَ في مَلِكٍ وَالدينِ قَد جُمِعا
6. O reddener of the sword its wrap has been tightened
And son of wars which from its breast he sucked
٦. يا خاضِبَ السَيفِ قَد شُدَّت مَآزِرُهُ
وَاِبنَ الحُروبِ الَّتي مِن ثَديِها رَضَعا
7. You separated with the sword, O highest of kings, a hand
From the son of Mudrik the straying and what he gathered
٧. فَرَّقتَ بِالسَيفِ يا أَعلى المُلوكِ يَداً
عَن إِبنِ مُدرِكٍ الطائي وَما جَمَعا
8. How many enemies have you unleashed your sword's rage on
And the sword is more decisive for the malady that resisted
٨. كَم مِن عَدوٍّ أَبِحتَ السَيفَ مُهجَتَهُ
وَالسَيفُ أَحسَمُ لِلداءِ الَّذي اِمتَنَعا
9. You plotted against him concealing its paths
As if he were a knight drawing his bow taut
٩. دَسَستَ كَيداً لَهُ تُخفي مَسالِكَهُ
كَأَنَّهُ فارِسٌ في قَوسِهِ نَزَعا
10. His awe strikes those not meant by it
So if he saw a side of the sun it would shine
١٠. تَنالُ رَوعَتُهُ مَن لا يُرادُ بِهِ
فَإِن رَأى الشَمسَ مِنهُ جانِبٌ لَمَعا