
I rose in a state and went to the cup,

غدوت على حال ورحت إلى الكاس

1. I rose in a state and went to the cup,
Yet I saw not in what the soul desires from the cup.

١. غَدوتُ عَلى حالٍ وَرُحتُ إِلى الكاسِ
وَلَم أَرَ فيما تَشتَهي النَفسُ مِن باسِ

2. And one resembling the full moon in the eyes of people,
Except that he is the most witty of people.

٢. وَمُشتَبِهٍ بِالبَدرِ في أَعيُنِ الوَرى
مِنَ الناسِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ أَملَحُ الناسِ

3. He gave me wine from his hand and saliva,
So it intoxicated me with two intoxications without a cupbearer.

٣. سَقانِيَ خَمراً مِن يَدَيهِ وَريقِهِ
فَأَسكَرَني سُكرَينِ مِن دونِ جُلّاسي

4. When he is generous to me at the end with a kiss,
I find in it coolness for the heat of my breath.

٤. إِذا جادَ لي عِندَ الخَلاصِ بِقُبلَةٍ
وَجَدتُ بِها بَرداً عَلى حَرِّ أَنفاسي

5. So how many a boon companion do I have, a boon companion to the grave,
And how many a boon companion whom I preceded to the cup.

٥. فَكَم مِن نَديمٍ لي نَديمٍ إِلى الكَرى
وَكَم مِن نَديمٍ قَد سَبَقتُ إِلى الكاسِ