1. A yellow wine I have fermented
when the sun's horn had yet to set
١. مُعَصفَرَةٌ أَنَختُ بِها
وَقَرنُ الشَمسِ لَم يَغِبِ
2. The grapes' eyes were sleepless for want
of bubbles rising in the vat.
٢. وَقَد أَرِقَت لِفَقدِ الكَر
مِ فيها أَعيُنُ العِنَبِ
3. The valley's run-off gushed and churned
through channel and overflow
٣. وَجاشَ عُبابُ واديها
بِمُنهَلٍّ وَمُنسَكِبِ
4. Ruby juice playing with the pearl
of grain in pleasure's ebb and flow.
٤. وَياقوتُ العَصيرِ بِها
يُلاعِبُ لُؤلُؤَ الحَبَبِ
5. But wonder takes me for its own -
and my wonder serves no end.
٥. فَيا عَجَبي لِعاصِرِها
وَما يُغني بِهِ عَجَبي