
O my companion, your cup's clink distracts my hearing from her reproaches,

يا صاح يشغل سمعي عن عواذله

1. O my companion, your cup's clink distracts my hearing from her reproaches,
As you pour wine into cups with mouths of ewers.

١. يا صاحِ يَشغَلُ سَمعي عَن عَواذِلَهُ
قَرعُ الكُؤوسِ بِأَفواهِ القَوازيزِ

2. He bent his pitcher under her abode,
Until it was filled from the heart of fermented grapes.

٢. أَصغى بِإِبريقِهِ مِن تَحتِ مِبزَلِها
حَتّى تَمَلَّأَ مِن أَحشاءِ مَوخوزِ

3. Laughing coquettishly, the tender apple in his mouth,
With a cheek beauty-marked by musk.

٣. يُضاحِكُ الأُقحُوانُ الغَضُّ في فَمِهِ
تُفّاحَ خَدٍّ بِخالِ المِسكِ مَغروزِ

4. As if he had spread out brocade on his face,
An embroidery whose beauty was exquisitely wrought.

٤. كَأَنَّ ديباجَةً في وَجهِهِ نَشَرَت
تَطريزَةً حَثَّها في حُسنِ تَطريزِ

5. We are with him, and in his days forever,
Celebrating in a festival, joyous and glad.

٥. فَنَحنُ مِنهُ وَفي أَيّامِهِ أَبَداً
في مِهرَجانٍ نُغاديهِ وَنَيروزِ

6. For he remains, of the youths, possessed of rapture,
Melting gold that had flowed molten from a crucible.

٦. إِذ لا يَزالُ مِنَ الفِتيانِ ذو طَرَبٍ
يَعُبُّ مِن ذَهَبٍ قَد ذابَ إِبريزِ

7. The sun's heat poured on him, refining him,
Distinguishing the pure gold, however it be purified.

٧. دامَ عَلَيهِ هَجيرُ الشَمسِ يَسبِكُهُ
فَمَيَّزَ الصَفوَ مِنهُ أَيَّ تَميِيزِ

8. It contends with water in cups when mixed
With a sword of drowsiness, tottering.

٨. تُنازِعُ الماءَ في الأَقداحِ إِذ مُزِجَت
بِصارِمٍ مِن سُيوفِ النَومِ مَهزوزِ

9. Whenever it desires tempestuousness, while she restrains him,
Can he wield any weapon but severance?

٩. مَتى يُريدُ جُموحاً وَهيَ تَجذُبُهُ
هَل يَستَطيعُ سِلاحاً غَيرَ تَبريزِ

10. Doubt does not keep my resolve seated when he rises,
Nor is my head bound from resoluteness.

١٠. لا يُقعِدُ الشَكُّ عَزمي عِندَ نَهضَتِهِ
وَلَيسَ رَأسِيَ عَن حَزمٍ بِمَحجوزِ