1. You who made people incline towards me
And multiplied the sorrows of my frightened heart
١. وَأَنتَ الَّذي ذَلَّلتَ لِلناسِ جانِبي
وَأَكثَرتَ أَحزانَ الفُؤادِ المُرَوَّعِ
2. And quenched my eyes with their tears
And taught them the glance of fear and dread
٢. وَأَسقَيتَ عَيني رَيَّها مِن دُموعِها
وَعَلَّمتَها لَحظَ المُريبِ المُفَزَّعِ
3. I did not give love and tears obedience
So do what you want, my eyes, from now on
٣. وَما كُنتُ أُعطي الحُبَّ وَالدَمعَ طاعَةً
فَما شِئتِ يا عَيني مِنَ الآنِ فَاِصنَعي
4. And I did not see in patience any intercession
To other than the beloved, so intercede, my tears
٤. وَلَم أَرَ عِندَ الصَبرِ وَجهَ شَفاعَةٍ
إِلى غَيرِ مَعشوقٍ مِنَ الدَمعِ فَاِشفَعي
5. Do you not see the star that has risen
Upon you? This benefits lovers
٥. أَلَستَ تَرى النَجمَ الَّذي هُوَ طالِعٌ
عَلَيكَ فَهَذا لِمُحِبّينَ نافِعُ
6. May my glance and his glance meet on the horizon
And reunite us, for there is no uniter on earth
٦. عَسى يَلتَقي في الأُفقِ لَحظي وَلَحظُهُ
فَيَجمَعُنا إِذ لَيسَ في الأَرضِ جامِعُ