
Did you not know what separation did

ألم تعلم بما صنع الفراق

1. Did you not know what separation did
The evening it left in earnest from the tribe

١. أَلَم تَعلَم بِما صَنَعَ الفِراقُ
عَشِيَّةَ جَدِّ بِالحَيِّ اِنطِلاقُ

2. Indeed he died of anguish and left behind
His broken heart carried away in suffering

٢. بَلى قَد ماتَ مِن جَزَعٍ وَخَلّى
مَعَ الأَظعانِ مُهجَتَهُ تُساقُ

3. And he had nothing but this upon him
Thus does parting kill with fear

٣. وَلَيسَ عَلَيهِ شَيءٌ غَيرَ هَذا
كَذاكَ يُميتُ بِالخَوفِ الفُراقُ

4. And I do not know, though they hastened the steeds
Whether lightning or al-Burāq would bring evil

٤. وَما أَدري وَقَد حَثّوا المَطايا
أَيَحمِلُ شُرَّ بَرقٌ أَم بُراقُ

5. So many tears it held back from passionate eyes
And so many tears of sorrow unbearable fell

٥. فَكَم رَدَّ الأَعِنَّةِ مِن جُموحٍ
وَرَدَّ دموعُ حُزنٍ لا تُطاقُ