1. Beauty and charm gathered in
A face carved by lovers
١. قَد جُمِعَ الحُسنُ وَالمَلاحَةُ في
وَجهٍ مِنَ العاشِقينَ مَنحوتِ
2. In his eyes an ailment, when it looks
It lined them with the sorcery of Harut
٢. في عَينِهِ مَرضَةٌ إِذا نَظَرَت
قَد كَحَّلَتهُ بِسِحرِ هاروتِ
3. His flask pours out wine as though
A shooting star streaked after a demon
٣. يَمُجُّ إِبريقُهُ المِزاجَ كَما اِم
تَدَّ شِهابٌ في إِثرِ عِفريتِ
4. On top of a yellow drug, you'd think it
Grayed with musk melted in the vat
٤. عَلى عُقارٍ صَفراءَ تَحسَبُها
شيبَت بِمِسكٍ في الدَنِّ مَفتوتِ
5. The water in it has wondrous writing
Like engraving on a ruby gem
٥. لِلماءِ فيها كِتابَةٌ عَجَبٌ
كَمِثلِ نَقشٍ في فَصِّ ياقوتِ