
O friend, I bid farewell to youth and vigor

يا صاح ودعت الغواني والصبا

1. O friend, I bid farewell to youth and vigor
And tread a path not theirs, another way

١. يا صاحِ وَدَّعتُ الغَوانِيَ وَالصِبا
وَسَلَكتُ غَيرَ سَبيلِهِنَّ سَبيلا

2. I bend the neck of passion to higher goals
And see the long travail of lovers in decay

٢. وَثَنَيتُ أَعناقَ الحَوى نَحوَ العُلى
وَرَأَيتُ شَأوَ العاشِقينَ طَويلا

3. So heeding counsel I withdraw, though yet
The words of your eyes keep my heart bound and chained

٣. فَأَجَبتُ واعِظَةَ النُهى فَاِستَجمَعَت
أَلفاظُ عَينِكَ وَاِنثَنى مَغلولا

4. Two covenants of yore with youth and spring
Gone: mourn them not too long when they have waned

٤. عَهدانِ ماتا لِلأَوانِسِ وَالصِبا
فَاِندُبهُما لا تَندُبَنَّ طَويلا

5. Bearing the sweet of life away, and yielding
No hope of turning back or swift regaining

٥. ذَهَبا بِمَعسولِ الحَياةِ وَأَيَّسا
مِن رَجعَةٍ وَتَعَجُّلٍ تَحويلا

6. For night’s long revelry my guide has been
The dawn of temperance: learn to love this gaining

٦. بُدِّلتُ مِن لَيلِ الشَبابِ بِمَفرِقَي
صُبحَ النُهى أَحبِب بِذاكَ بَديلا

7. But when the rain of care is from me barred
My heart still harbors grief long known and steered

٧. لَكِنَّ في قَلبي إِذا صَدَّ الرَشا
عَنّي أَسىً يَعتادُني وَغَليلا

8. Full many a night my lids are tear bedewed
With streaming anguish raining uncontrolled

٨. وَلِرُبَّ لَيلٍ لا تَجِفُّ جُفونُهُ
مِن دَمعَةٍ مُلقٍ عَلَيهِ سُدولا

9. Their stars now dead, their moon about to wane
Accused of living, life itself unhealed

٩. ماتَت كَواكِبُهُ وَأَمسى بَدرُهُ
في الأُفقِ مُتَّهَمَ الحَياةِ عَليلا

10. Lost in a gloom that wraps us fold on fold
We think the real dawn itself unreal

١٠. دَبَّت بِنا في غَمرَةٍ مَشمولَةٍ
حَتّى تَوَهَّمنا الصَباحَ أَصيلا

11. Which clapped turns saffron pale, and seems to hold
Pure gold dissolved in its goblet crystal sealed

١١. صَفراءُ تَحسَبُها إِذا ما صُفِّقَت
ذَهَباً حَوَتهُ كَأسُها مَحلولا

12. Hail and welcome to the Imam drawing near!
Would I could reach to meet him on his way

١٢. أَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِالإِمامِ وَمَرحَباً
لَو أَستَطيعُ إِلى اللِقاءِ سَبيلا

13. He spurs no charger, takes no transient rest,
No watchman finds his eyes at break of day

١٣. لا يَمتَطي حِفظاً وَلا يُمسي لَهُ
طَرَفٌ بِمِروَدِ رَقدَةٍ مَكحولا

14. His sleeves rolled up when bloodshed is at hand
The sweeping torrents drag adown their trains

١٤. وَمُشَمِّرٍ أَذيالَهُ يَومَ الوَغى
جَرَّت عَليهِ السافِياتُ ذُيولا