
The lover's gaze upon the secrets is suspect

لحظ المحب على الأسرار متهم

1. The lover's gaze upon the secrets is suspect
Should they detect passion from his direction, they would know

١. لَحظُ المُحِبِّ عَلى الأَسرارِ مُتَّهَمُ
إِذا اِستَشَفّوا الهَوى مِن نَحوِهِ عَلِموا

2. Whoever conceals what burns inside his heart
In my tears there is a tale that cannot be concealed

٢. مَن كانَ يَكتُمُ ما في القَلبِ مِن حُرَقٍ
فَفي دُموعي حَديثٌ لَيسَ يَنكَتِمُ