1. She offered me a drink, a draft like wine
A girl of nineteen, in her hand a draft of wine
١. قَد سَقَتني خَمراً وَريقاً كَخَمرِ
بِنتُ عُشرٍ في كَفَّها بِنتُ عَشرِ
2. He sprinkled on her face a little salt
A Creator shook its branch beneath the full moon
٢. ذَرَّ في وَجهِها المَلاحَةَ ذَرّاً
خالِقٌ هَزَّ غُصنَها تَحتَ بَدرِ
3. Welcome the fluttering of the eyelids
Her eye gave glad tidings at the sight of poetry
٣. مَرحَباً بِاِختِلاجِ جَفنِ عُيونٍ
بَشَّرَت عَينُها بِرُؤيَةِ شُرِّ
4. For you I have a ransom of tears, if true
Be what you said, even after a month
٤. لَكَ عِندِيَ عَتقٌ مِنَ الدَمعِ إِن صَح
حَ الَّذي قُلتِهِ وَلَو بَعدَ شَهرِ