
We were forced to drink bitter syrup

ظللنا نسقى سكرا حامضا

1. We were forced to drink bitter syrup
Against our will by force

١. ظَلَلنا نُسقى سُكَّراً حامِضاً
غَصباً عَلى أَنفُسِنا قَسرا

2. And we were transferred from dry cane
As if we were making bricks

٢. وَنَقلُنا مِن قَصَبٍ يابِسٍ
كَأَنَّنا نَعمَلُ آجُرّا

3. And we have someone who sings to us
As if excrement comes out of his mouth

٣. وَعِندَنا مَن يَتَغَنّى لَنا
كَأَنَّهُ مِن فَمِهِ يَخرا
