
You severed the ties of my love and betrayed my trust

قطعت عرى ودي وخنت أمانتي

1. You severed the ties of my love and betrayed my trust
And reproached me yet did not accept reproach

١. قَطَعتَ عُرى وُدّي وَخُنتَ أَمانَتي
وَأَبدَيتَ لي عَتباً وَلَم تَقبَلِ العُتبى

2. Oh Lord of a night with no hoped-for dawn
In it I endured what I disliked as you wished

٢. فَيا رُبَّ لَيلٍ لا يُرَجّى صَباحُهُ
تَحَمَّلتُ فيهِ ما كَرِهتُ كَما تَهوى

3. Oh what a regret if a preventer holds back my palms
And restricts them from what I love in this life

٣. فَيا حَسرَتي إِن رَدَّ كَفَّيَ مانِعٌ
فَقَصَّرَها عَمّا تُحِبُّ مِنَ الدُنيا

4. My ambition was not for a favor I could obtain
And attain, but only that I might look upon another

٤. وَما بُغيَتي في مِنَّةٍ لي أَنالُها
وَأَبلُغُها إِلّا نَظَرتُ إِلى أُخرى