
The night has added to me the length of contemplation

أضاف إلي الليل طول تفكر

1. The night has added to me the length of contemplation
And worry - when will tears begin to pour down?

١. أَضافَ إِلَيَّ اللَيلُ طولَ تَفَكُّرِ
وَهَمّاً مَتى يُستَمطَرِ الدَمعُ يَقطُرُ

2. And the lovesick said, "You've changed after us."
Yet, does one who makes a pact not change?

٢. وَقالَ الغَواني قَد تَنَكَّرتَ بَعدَنا
وَهَل دامَ ذو عَهدٍ فَلَم يَتَنَكَّرِ

3. Illnesses have recurred in my body, leaving
Nothing for the visitor except the embroidered shirt.

٣. تَعاوَدَتِ الأَسقامُ جِسمي فَلَم تَدَع
لِعُوّادِهِ غَيرَ القَميصِ المُزَرَّرِ

4. Indeed, many a cup I have preceded in drinking
In the morning, like a splendid star inclined to rise.

٤. أَلا رُبَّ كَأسٍ قَد سَبَقتُ لِشُربِها
صَباحاً كَبازٍ هَمَّ بِالنَهضِ أَقمَرِ

5. And the Pleiades have inclined until it is as though they are
Beyond falling stars in an abyss.

٥. وَقَد صَغَتِ الجَوزاءُ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
وَراءَ نُجومٍ هاوِياتٍ وَغُوَّرِ

6. Delicate and graceful upon a swaying litter,
Amusing themselves between a tambourine and blossoms.

٦. صُنوجٌ عَلى رَقّاصَةٍ قَد تَمايَلَت
لِتُلهِيَ شَرباً بَينَ دُفٍّ وَمِزهَرِ

7. And I said to the leg of the wind, "Do not uproot it
With water and sorrows with your blowing - uproot!"

٧. وَقُلتُ لِساقِ الراحِ لا تَعقِرَنَّها
بِماءٍ وَأَحزاناً بِصِرفِكَ فَاِعقِرِ

8. "And do not water me this year's wine, for it
Is as it is on the cluster - it has not changed."

٨. وَلا تَسقِنيها بِنتَ عامٍ فَإِنَّها
كَما هِيَ في عُنقودِها لَم تَغَيَّرِ

9. Recently plucked from the branches and from the earth
And from drinking the flowing Euphrates' water.

٩. قَريبَةُ عَهدٍ بِالغُصونِ وَبِالثَرى
وَبِالشُربِ مِن ماءِ الفُراتِ المُفَجَّرِ

10. And a night embroidered with stars - I've torn it
Until its dawn - torn like an embroidered cloak.

١٠. وَلَيلٍ مُوَشّى بِالنُجومِ صَدَعتُهُ
إِلى صُبحِهِ صَدعَ الرِداءِ المُحَبَّرِ

11. And oh envier, whose heart is scorched by yearning,
When he sees him riding amidst an army.

١١. وَيا حاسِداً يَكوي التَلَهُّفُ قَلبَهُ
إِذا ما رَآهُ عادِياً وَسطَ عَسكَرِ

12. Peruse the people of this world, is there for him
A peer you see? Strive and ponder.

١٢. تَصَفَّح بَني الدُنيا فَهَل فيهُمُ لَهُ
نَظيرٌ تَراهُ وَاِجتَهِد وَتَفَكَّرِ