
The rule of the Banu Hashim was strengthened

لقد شد ملك بني هاشم

1. The rule of the Banu Hashim was strengthened
And its corruption was replaced with righteousness

١. لَقَد شُدَّ مُلكَ بَني هاشِمٍ
وَأَبدَلَهُ بِالفَسادِ الصَلاحا

2. An Imam whose justice restored guidance
And through it the hopeful found success

٢. إِمامٌ أَعادَ الهُدى عَدلُهُ
وَلاقى بِهِ المُرتَجونَ نَجاحا

3. The passage of time is subject to his rulings
And he takes from it whatever proposal he wishes

٣. تَحورُ عَلى الدَهرِ أَحكامُهُ
وَيَأخُذُ ما شاءَ مِنهُ اِقتِراحا

4. He returned Ali to his proximity
As a falcon returns to it its wing

٤. وَرَدَّ عَلِيّاً إِلى قُربِهِ
كَما رَدَّ بازٍ إِلَيهِ جَناحا

5. He remains sleepless due to his diligence
And prudence pursues it until it finds rest

٥. وَما زالَ يَسهَرُ مِن جَدِّهِ
وَيُتبِعُهُ الحَزمَ حَتّى اِستَراحا

6. He forgives and pardons a group
And from others his sword is bloodied

٦. وَيَعفو وَيَصفَحُ عَن مَعشَرٍ
وَيَخضِبُ مِن آخَرينَ السِلاحا

7. He makes the plumes of his enemies' helmets
Spearheads that adorn the spears

٧. وَيَجعَلُ هاماتِ أَعدائِهِ
قَلانِسَ يُلبِسُهُنَّ الرِماحا

8. Like a lion he fiercely attacks their horns
Like rain he flowed generously like the shining moon

٨. وَكَاللَيثِ شَدَّ عَلى قِرنِهِ
وَكَالغَيثِ جادَ وَكَالبَدرِ لاحا

9. He restored the rule to its former state
Dressing it with its crown and turban

٩. فَرَدَّ عَلى المُلكِ أَسلابَهُ
وَأَلبَسَهُ تاجَهُ وَالوِشاحا

10. Excelling in generosity and restraint
Proffering cups and excelling in toasting

١٠. وَأَحسَنَ في البَذلِ وَالإِمتِناعِ
وَراشَ قِداحاً وَعَزَّ اِقتِداحا

11. How often he exceeds what is right for an eminent man
And is deemed stingy as the winds blow

١١. وَكَم جاوَزَ الحَقَّ في مُشرَفٍ
فَعُدَّ شَحيحاً وَبارى الرِياحا

12. My longing for his face has been prolonged
And my patience with my secret has narrowed, thus it flowed

١٢. وَقَد طالَ شَوقي إِلى وَجهِهِ
وَضاقَ بِسِرِّيَ صَبري فَباحا

13. I await his opinion
As the lovers await the dawn

١٣. وَإِنّي لَمُنتَظِرٌ رَأيَهُ
كَما اِنتَظَرَ العاشِقونَ الصَباحا