
Without seeing the vizier or his assistant

حال من دون رؤيتي للوزيري

1. Without seeing the vizier or his assistant
Though I had hoped for a meeting

١. حالَ مِن دونِ رُؤيَتي لِلوَزيرَي
نِ وَقَد كُنتُ راجِياً لِلتَلاقي

2. A lingering illness does not leave my body
Its secret firmly bound

٢. طولُ سُقمٍ ما إِن يُفارِقُ جِسمي
دائِرٌ سُرُّهُ شَديدُ الوِثاقِ

3. When I hoped for a gathering in this abode
Fate was gentle in the permanence of separation

٣. حينَ أَمَّلتُ في الدُنُوِّ اِجتِماعاً
لَطَفَ الدَهرُ في دَوامِ الفُراقِ