
Have you not seen that fate has torn me to shreds

ألم تر أن الدهر قطعني حزا

1. Have you not seen that fate has torn me to shreds
And burdened me with humiliation and endowed me with glory?

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ الدَهرَ قَطَّعَني حَزّا
وَأَصحَبَني ذُلّاً وَأَثكَلَني عِزّا

2. Oh, many a face in the dust was once frowning
When I feared the tyranny of fate or a blow from its hand.

٢. أَلا رُبَّ وَجهٍ في الثَرى كانَ عابِساً
إِذا خِفتُ بَطشاً مِن يَدِ الدَهرِ أَو غَمزا

3. Kings and brothers whom you see—from their generosity
Humans are adorned in brocade and splendor.

٣. مُلوكٌ وَإِخوانٌ تَرى بِسَماحِهِم
مِنَ البِشرِ في ديباجِ أَوجُهِهِم طَرزا

4. I have lost them, though I wished otherwise,
And treasured them as reward and recompense in the bellies of the earth.

٤. فَقَدتُهُمُ مُستَكرِهاً وَكَنَزتُهُم
ثَواباً وَأَجراً في بُطونِ الثَرى كَنزا