
My anxiety did not sleep, nor did I sleep

لم ينم همي ولم أنم

1. My anxiety did not sleep, nor did I sleep
Prey to the grip of passion and sickness

١. لَم يَنَم هَمّي وَلَم أَنَمِ
نَهبُ كَفَّ الوَجدِ وَالسَقَمِ

2. Along the path of lovers, infatuated
I gained from it nothing but accusations

٢. في سَبيلِ العاشِقينَ هَوىً
لَم أَنَل مِنهُ سِوى التُهَمِ

3. They went early in the morning
Content with life, pleased with their fate

٣. وَلَقَد أَغدوا عَلى أَثَرٍ
لِلحَيا راضٍ عَنِ الدَيمِ

4. When dawn emerged, scintillating
Like embers glowing under ash

٤. حينَ دَبَّ الفَجرُ مُنبَلِجاً
كَدَبيبِ النارِ في الفَحَمِ

5. And the garden branches dancing
Stirred by the fancy of its shade

٥. وَغُصونُ الرَوضِ يُرقِصُها
نَشرُ ريحِ ظِلِّهِ الوَهَمِ

6. Give me, for relief, drink pure
That will spread morning through the gloom

٦. فَاِسقِني لِلراحِ صافِيَةً
تَنشُرُ الإِصباحَ في الظُلَمِ

7. When water mixes into it
It pleases, smooth and refined

٧. فَإِذا ما الماءُ خالَطَها
راضَ مِنها سَهلَةَ الشَيَّمِ

8. Dispels the bitterness of its face
Then calms it into generosity

٨. وَنَفى مَكروهَ سورَتِها
ثُمَّ هَدّاها إِلى الكَرَمِ

9. And gains from its shape a beloved
Scattered, yet composed

٩. وَاِكتَسِب مِن شَكلِهِ حَبَباً
بَينَ مَنثورٍ وَمُنتَظِمِ

10. Its journey is a palm that moves
From jug spout to my mouth

١٠. رَحلُها كَفٌّ تَسيرُ بِهِ
مِن فَمِ الإِبريقِ نَحوَ فَمي

11. Cloaked in the foam of pearl
With no secret left concealed

١١. وَكَساها قِخرَ لُؤلُؤَةٍ
لَيسَ فيها سِرُّ مُكتَتِمِ

12. Fine wine that has adorned its gear
Not written but poured from the fountain

١٢. رَشَأٌ قَد زانَ طُرَّتَهُ
مَشقُ نونٍ لَيسَ بِالقَلَمِ

13. Do not blame my mind, but blame my vision
My mind is not to be blamed

١٣. لا تَلُم عَقلي وَلُم نَظَري
إِنَّ عَقلي غَيرُ مُتَّهَمِ

14. For me and my abandoning revelry, so
My critic, be brief and do not blame

١٤. لي وَتَركي في المُدامِ فَيا
لائِمي أَقصِر وَلا تَلُمِ