1. O guide of the camels, where are you heading?
With whom you spur them on, I will contend
١. يا حادِيَ الأَظعانِ أَينَ تُريدُ
إِنّي بِمَن تَحدو بِهِ لَكَميدُ
2. She stood to bid me farewell, like a gentle branch
Struck by the palm of the wind, swaying to and fro
٢. قامَت تُوَدِّعُني كَغُصنٍ ناعِمٍ
ضَرَبَتهُ كَفُّ الريحِ فَهوَ يَميدُ
3. I laid bare my anguish in sighs and tears
And saw how freely the spring waters flowed
٣. فَوَضَعتُ وَجدي بِالتَنَفُّسِ وَالبُكا
وَرَأَيتُ ماءَ المُزنِ كَيفَ يَجودُ
4. The content live without people's troubles
And a happy fate dawns upon them
٤. بِالمُكتَفي كُفِيَ الأَنامُ هُمومَهُم
وَغَدا عَلَيهِم طالِعٌ مَسعودُ
5. They came to you of their own accord, drawn by love
While your sword over them remains sheathed
٥. جاؤوكَ يَحشُرُهُم إِلَيكَ حَبَّةٌ
طَوعاً وَسَيفُكَ عَنهُمُ مَغمودُ
6. Their souls had long thirsted for you
And the way to your door was blocked for them
٦. وَلَطالَما ظَمِأَت إِلَيكَ نُفوسُهُم
وَطَريقُ بابِكَ عَنهُمُ مَسدودُ
7. Now, I blame them for a lifetime under your rule
Both sweet and bitter is life, and harsh
٧. فَالآنَ أَعتَبُهُم بِمُلكِكَ دَهرُهُم
وَحَلا وَلانَ العَيشُ وَهوَ شَديدُ
8. Hatim's hand is like a cloud over his left side
Hatim's equal is not to be found
٨. يَدُ حاتِمٍ كَبَنانِهِ لِشِمالِهِ
ما حاتِمٌ مَع مِثلِهِ مَعدودُ
9. If he continued to rule, he would have granted you
A gift, not deeming that generosity
٩. لَو ظَلَّ يَملِكُ حاتَماً أَعطاكَهُ
هِبَةً وَلَم يَرَ أَنَّ ذَلِكَ جودُ
10. In each palm he has five seas
Their flowing waters quench the thirsty beasts
١٠. في كُلِّ كَفٍّ مِنهُ خَمسَةُ أَبحُرٍ
يَسقي الحَوائِمَ مائُها المَورودُ
11. The platforms rejoiced at his ascent
Their steps turned green at his touch
١١. سُرَّت بِوَطأَتِهِ المَنابِرُ إِذ عَلا
دَرَجاتِها وَاِخضَرَّ مِنها العودُ
12. As if he were a moon sailing in the night
And its darkness receded before his light
١٢. فَكَأَنَّهُ قَمَرٌ سَرى في لَيلَةٍ
فَظَلامُها عَن نورِها مَردودُ
13. Resolute in purpose, he champions his cause
Divinely guided and supported
١٣. ماضٍ عَلى العَزَماتِ يَنصُرُ رَأيَهُ
مِن رَبِهِ التَوفيقُ وَالتَسديدُ
14. When they saw the lion of war above them
The date palms bearing fruits of iron
١٤. لَمّا رَأوا أَسَدَ الحُروبِ وَفَوقَهُم
شَجَرُ القَنا وَثِمارُهُنَّ حَديدُ
15. Girded with shining Indian swords -
Pale before them the faces of death
١٥. وَقَدِ اِنتَضَوا هِندِيَّةً مَصقولَةً
بيضاً وُجوهُ المَوتِ فيها سودُ
16. They hid their regret and hastened their demise
With blows and stabs none could avoid
١٦. أَخفَوا نَدامَتَهُم وَعَجَّلَ حينَهُم
ضَربٌ وَطَعنٌ لَيسَ عَنهُ مَحيدُ
17. Strengthen your grip on the reins of the caliphate
Yours is its legacy and enduring duration
١٧. فَشدُد يَديكَ عَلى عِنانِ خِلافَةٍ
لَكَ إِرثُها وَبَقائُها المَمدودُ