1. Provide us with attainment or promise us,
We have been truthful to you, so do not lie to us,
١. زَوِّدينا نائِلاً أَو عِدينا
قَد صَدَقناكَ فَلا تَكذِبينا
2. Tell me how I can be tranquil when all I have seen is a sigh or a moan,
Or comfort me, for in death there is equality,
٢. خَبِّريني كَيفَ أَسلو وَإِن لَم
أَرَ إِلّا زَفرَةً أَو أَنينا
3. And kill me like those whom you have killed,
O crescent under which is a myrtle branch,
٣. أَو أَريحيني فَفي المَوتِ كُفءٌ
وَاِقتِليني مِثلَ مَن تَقتُلينا
4. What sin of the lovers is in you?
O commander of the faithful, the hoped for,
٤. يا هِلالاً تَحتَهُ غُصنُ بانٍ
أَيُّ ذَنبٍ فيكَ لِلعاشِقينا
5. God has settled the eyes on you,
And we have been called to your allegiance in truth,
٥. يا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ المُرَجّى
قَد أَقَرَّ اللَهُ فيكَ العُيونا
6. So we have hastened towards it eagerly,
With souls that have hoped for you for a time,
٦. وَدُعينا لَكَ بِبَيعَةِ حَقٍّ
فَسَعَينا نَحوَها مُسرِعينا
7. Our hands preceded obediently,
And you have favour upon us in it,
٧. بِنُفوسٍ أَمَّلَتكَ زَماناً
سَبَقَت أَيدِيَنا طائِعينا
8. We have not found anyone like you among both worlds,
God has united upon you hearts,
٨. وَلَكَ المِنَّةُ فيها عَلَينا
لَم نَجِد مِثلَكَ في العالَمينا
9. That were torn apart amongst other factions,
You have delighted the eye of every soul,
٩. جَمَعَ اللَهُ عَلَيكَ قُلوباً
مُزِّقَت في مَعشَرٍ آخَرينا
10. And spread security for the fearful,
And confined people from every unjust one,
١٠. أَنتَ أَقرَرتَ عَينَ كُلِّ نَفسٍ
وَفَرَشتَ الأَمنَ لِلخائِفينا
11. With swords and spears that have watered us,
And whenever a lion of the earth growls,
١١. وَحَصَرتَ الناسَ مِن كُلِّ عادٍ
بِسُيوفٍ وَقَناً قَد رَوَينا
12. Subduing it until it groans weakly,
With a flood that fills the earth with horses,
١٢. وَإِذا ما زَأَرَت أُسدُ أَرضٍ
دُستَها حَتّى تَإِنَّ أَنينا
13. And men who do not fear death,
Victory is tied to them wherever they are,
١٣. بِرُكامٍ يَملَءُ الأَرضَ خَيلاً
وَرِجالٍ لا تَهابُ المَنونا
14. Whether they go left or right,
He has gathered them in the chamber of resolve, among them,
١٤. رُبِطَ النَصرُ بِهِم أَينَ كانوا
إِن شِمالاً ذَهَبوا أَو يَمينا
15. The head of righteousness rules the world and religion,
The ring of kingship settled in your palm,
١٥. ضَمَّهُم في غُرفَةِ الحَزمِ مِنهُم
رَأسُ بِرٍّ ساسَ دُنيا وَدينا
16. The caliphate fashioned it for you at one time,
And he had been poor to you,
١٦. قَرَّ في كَفِّكَ خاتَمُ مُلكٍ
لَكَ صاغَتهُ الخِلافَةُ حينا
17. Not seeing anyone like you among those wearing clothes,
١٧. وَلَقَد كانَ إِلَيكَ فَقيراً
لا يَرى مِثلَكَ في اللابِسينا