1. O heart, they have set out briskly between the living, so set out.
I attached them this way for a while, but they did not attach.
١. يا قَلبِ قَد جَدَّ بَينَ الحَيِّ فَاِنطَلَقوا
عُلِّقتُهُم هَكَذا حَيناً وَما عَلِقوا
2. Their abode has now become renewed,
and, by lightning bolts, a dwelling fashioned from them.
٢. فَتِلكَ دارُهُمُ أَمسَت مُجَدَّدَةً
وَبِالأَبارِقِ مِنهُم مَنزِلٌ خَلَقُ
3. It is as though the tracks of a shy oryx are in it -
a coat of mail its flank-bones leave in order.
٣. كَأَنَّ آثارَ وَحشيَّ الظِباءِ بِها
دِرعٌ تُخَلِّفُهُ أَظلافُهُ نَسَقُ
4. None resembles those who know their lovers' love,
but you are among them, suffering for whom you desire.
٤. لا مَثلَ مَن يَعرِفُ العُشّاقُ حُبَّهُمُ
بَل أَنتَ مِن بَينِهِم تَشقى بِمَن تَمِقُ
5. They set out by night and hastened every working
camel and working camel in its leading halter.
٥. نَأوا بِلَيلٍ فَزَمّوا كُلَّ يَعمَلَةٍ
وَيَعمَلٍ جَمَلٍ في أَنفِهِ الحَلَقُ
6. It meets the wastes with a slipper wherein it finds no rest,
as though its dripping onto its soil is laminae.
٦. يَلقى الفَلاةَ بِخُفٍّ لا يَقَرُّ بِها
كَأَنَّ تَنقيطَهُ في تُربِها طَبَقُ
7. I and Asma and the living who set out at dawn
thereby, against my soul's desire, and they did not pledge.
٧. إِنّي وَأَسماءَ وَالحَيَّ الَّذينَ غَدوا
بِها عَلى الكُرهِ مِن نَفسي وَما وَثِقوا
8. They are like a prisoner whose mate has been led forth,
struggling against the rope, that pulls and slips.
٨. لَكَالرَبيطِ وَقَد سيقَت قَرينَتُهُ
يُنازِعُ الحَبلَ مَشدوداً وَيَنطَلِقُ
9. They have made the heart fly and leap between its ribs
and tortured the soul until no life remains in it.
٩. فَطَيَّروا القَلبَ وَجداً بَينَ أَضلُعِهِ
وَعَذَّبوا النَفسَ حَتّى ما بِها رَمَقُ
10. It is as though there encircled me, the day I was among them,
a green snake interwoven in its hues.
١٠. كَأَنَّني ساوَرَتني يَومَ بَينِهِمُ
رَقشاءُ مَجدولَةٌ في لَونِها بُرَقُ
11. When it appears from its lairs, it is as though
a branch in which light and leaves have opened.
١١. كَأَنَّها حينَ تَبدو مِن مَكامِنِها
غُصنٌ تَفَتَّحَ فيهِ النورُ وَالوَرَقُ
12. A tongue slips from it that cries out for help,
as fingers that make signs cry for aid.
١٢. يَنسَلُّ مِنها لِسانٌ يَستَغيثُ بِهِ
كَما تَعَوَّذَ بِالسَبّابَةِ الفَرِقُ
13. Unforgettable - no, unforgotten as she bade us farewell
with eyes whose lids were drowned in her tears.
١٣. ما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ إِذ قامَت تُوَدِّعُنا
بِمُقلَةٍ جَفنُها في دَمعِها غَرِقُ
14. She parts her reddened, flaming eyelids
that would burn, were it not for the tears' quenching.
١٤. تَفتَرُّ عَن مُقلَةٍ حَمراءَ مُوقَدَةٍ
تَكادُ لَولا دُموعُ العَينِ تَحتَرِقُ
15. When she appears from her curtained litters,
it is as though a rent moon in whose corners night falls dark.
١٥. كَأَنَّها حينَ تَبدو مِن مَجاسِدِها
بَدرٌ تَمَزَّقَ في أَركانِهِ الغَسَقُ
16. And warriors like Indian swords, I said to them,
"Go!" They disobeyed not my word and did not tear it.
١٦. وَفِتيَةٍ كَسِيوفِ الهِندِ قُلتُ لَهُم
سيروا فَما أَخطَأوا قَولي وَما خَرَقوا
17. They went out, and the sun of night submitted to them,
until the stirrings of darkness flared in its robe.
١٧. ساروا وَقَد خَضَعَت شَمسُ الأَصيلِ لَهُم
حَتّى تَوَقَّدَ في ثَوبِ الدُجى الخَفَقُ
18. For a need for which I have not slept a wink,
while the causes of fate, perhaps, have robbed of sleep.
١٨. لِحاجَةٍ لَم أُضاجِع دونَها وَسَناً
وَرُبَّما جابَ أَسبابَ الكَرى الأَرَقُ
19. I drink no water unless it is pure
of motes, and for others the turbid and tainted.
١٩. لا أَشرَبُ الماءَ إِلّا وَهوَ مُنجَرِدٌ
مِنَ القَذى وَلِغَيري الشَوبُ وَالرَنِقُ
20. My resolution is an Indian sword, and my heart does not oppose it
when a man's resolution and neck sinew contend.
٢٠. عَزمي حُسامٌ وَقَلبي لا يُخالِفُهُ
إِذا تَخاصَمَ عَزمُ المَرءِ وَالفَرَقُ
21. Dead to hidden thoughts, laughing bitterly,
so long as rancor prevails against my foes.
٢١. مَيتُ السَرائِرِ ضَحّاكٌ عَلى حَنَقٍ
ما دامَ يَعجَزُ عَن أَعدائِيَ الحَنَقُ