1. O house, where are your friendly owls
Whose company I found so sweet
١. يا دارُ أَينَ ظِباؤُكِ اللُعسُ
قَد كانَ لي في إِنسِها أُنسُ
2. Where are the buds on the branches of the nabk tree
Underneath them turtle-doves softly cooing
٢. أَينَ البُدورُ عَلى غُصونِ نَقا
مِن تَحتِهِنَّ خَلاخِلٌ خُرسُ
3. And the carrier pigeons answering them
As their hearts yearn for their promised meeting
٣. وَمُراسِلٌ فيهِم يُجيبُ وَقَد
حَنَّت إِلى ميعادِهِ النَفسُ
4. Like a bough kindled by the sun
Glowing at its touch
٤. وَكَأَنَّما يَسخو بِضَمَّتِهِ
غُصنٌ تَوَقَّدُ فَوقَهُ الشَمسُ
5. The blood of the two civets brought me joy
By God I swear it is an abomination
٥. قَد سَرَّني بِالفوطَتَينِ دَمٌ
بِاللَهِ أَحلِفُ أَنَّهُ رِجسُ
6. O dweller of ruins, how do you see
If paralysis could seize and shake you
٦. يا عامِرَ الخَلَواتِ كَيفَ تَرى
لَو يَستَطيعُ يَمُجُّكَ الرِمسُ
7. Praiseworthy is the youth who restores them
Untouched by inertia or lassitude
٧. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ فَتى يُعَمِّرُهُ
لا مَسَّهُ شَلَلٌ وَلا نَفسُ
8. In Egypt there is no trouble for its people
Without clashing and confusion added to it
٨. ما إِن بِمَصرَ لِأَهلِها نَشَبٌ
إِلّا وَفيهِ عَلَيهُمُ لَبسُ
9. Each day the glitter of drawn swords
In the orchards of some of them has its thrusts
٩. في كُلِّ يَومٍ ذَرُّ شارِقَةٍ
في غَرسِ بَعضِهِمُ لَهُ غَرسُ
10. Their night signal amongst themselves
Is the creeping of ants when they rest
١٠. فَشِعارُهُم بِاللَيلِ بَينَهُمُ
دَبٌّ دَبيبَ النَملِ إِذ يَعسو
11. Never leaving his abode
Is a one-eyed prisoner enchained by sorrows
١١. ما إِن يُفارِقُ عودَهُ أَبَداً
فَرَحاً كَأَعوَرَ ضَمَّهُ حَبسُ
12. O people of Egypt, your fortunes have fallen
After them, your heads are shaven bare
١٢. يا أَهلَ مَصرَ قُرونَكُم سَقَطَت
مِن بَعدِهِ فَرُؤوسُكُم مُلسُ