
I no longer reproach, for I've grown old for blame

أعاذل قد كبرت على العتاب

1. I no longer reproach, for I've grown old for blame
And gray hair has laughed in the face of youth

١. أَعاذِلَ قَد كَبِرتُ عَلى العِتابِ
وَقَد ضَحِكَ المَشيبُ عَلى الشَبابِ

2. I've returned my soul to piety, so it's grown poor
As a sword returned to its sheath

٢. رَدَدتُ إِلى التُقى نَفسي فَقَرَّت
كَما رُدَّ الحُسامُ إِلى القِرابِ

3. With wealth I was generous, and station
An eminent man who fears no veil's disdain

٣. وَمالٍ قَد سَخَوتُ بِهِ وَجاهٍ
وَجيهٍ لا يَخافُ أَذى الحِجابِ

4. How can faces be protected from reward and praise
When they'll be surrendered to dust again?

٤. وَكَيفَ تُصانُ عَن أَجرٍ وَحَمدٍ
وُجوهٌ سَوفَ تُبذَلُ لِلتُرابِ

5. A litigious foe of the wickedest wickedness
Before crowds of angry, scowling men

٥. وَخَصمٍ موقِدٍ لِشَرارِ شَرٍّ
أَمامَ مَعاشِرٍ خُزرٍ غِضابِ

6. I complied, so when he saw me, he was sure
Of the law of governance and script

٦. أُتِحتُ لَهُ فَأَيقَنَ إِذ رَآني
بِقانونِ الحُكومَةِ وَالخِطابِ