
A drink to the homestead of al-Hima and its sand dune

سقيا لمنزلة الحمى وكثيبها

1. A drink to the homestead of al-Hima and its sand dune
When I see no time like my times in it

١. سُقِياً لِمَنزِلَةِ الحِمى وَكَثيبِها
إِذ لا أَرى زَمَناً كَأَزماني بِها

2. I know no pleasures but by remembering them
Alas! I left my pleasures in it

٢. ما أَعرِفُ اللَذاتِ إِلّا ذاكِراً
هَيهاتَ قَد خَلَّفتُ لَذّاتي بِها

3. And I wept in anguish at the moan of a dove
That called out while none responded to her

٣. وَبَكيتُ مِن جَزعٍ لِنَوحِ حَمامَةٍ
دَعَتِ الهَديلَ فَظَلَّ غَيرَ مُجيبُها

4. We cried while she cried, but our crying was
With our eyes while hers was with her heart

٤. نُحنا وَناحَت غَيرَ أَنَّ بُكاءَنا
بِعُيونِنا وَبُكائَها بِقُلوبِها

5. Fearing harm, it prevented visiting her
If it could, it would spend the night in her bosoms

٥. مَنَعَ الزِيارَةَ مِن شُرَيرَةَ خائِفٌ
لَو يَستَطيعُ لَباتَ بَينَ جُيوبِها

6. The world was made odious to you and once delighted
When I saw you among its virtues and vices

٦. ساءَت بِكَ الدُنيا وَسَرَّت مَرَّةً
فَأَراكَ مِن حَسَناتِها وَذُنوبِها

7. And the tryst of my need drags me to waiting
If I wished, yearning would be quelled by her perfume

٧. وَيَجُرُّني بِالمَطلِ مَوعِدُ حاجَةٍ
لَو شِئتُ قَد بَرَدَ الغَليلُ بِطيبِها

8. Imprisoned for so long in your clenched fist
You tortured me and busied my hopes with her

٨. مَحبوسَةٍ في كَفِّ مَطلِكَ طالَما
عَذَّبتَني وَشَغَلتَ آمالي بِها

9. Free the virgins one difficult night
As they are saved by its text and its diligence

٩. خَلِّ العَواذِلَ لَيلَةً قاسَيتُها
وَالناجِياتُ بِنَصِّها وَدُؤوبِها

10. They carry gratitude's delegation atop their mounts
While the grateful for blessings is like her slave

١٠. يَحمِلنَ وَفدَ الشُكرِ فَوقَ رِحالِها
وَالشاكِرُ النَعماءِ كَالجاري بِها

11. White yet tanned by the sun in late morning
Like full moons gleaming beneath its clouds

١١. بَيضاً وَمَسَّهُمُ الهَجيرُ بِسُمرَةٍ
مِثلَ البُدورِ سَطَعنَ تَحتَ سُحوبِها

12. When you saw the kingdom's timber shattered
And the stars of its fortune setting in their sunset

١٢. لَمّا رَأَيتَ المُلكَ شَظّى عودَهُ
وَهَوَت كَواكِبُ سَعدِها بِغُروبِها

13. You stirred up a scheme for it, instilling tranquility
And mixed a resolute man's smile with his sullenness

١٣. حَرَّكتَ تَدبيراً عَلَيهِ سَكينَةً
وَخَلَطتَ ضَحكَةَ حازِمٍ بِقُطوبِها

14. And for the enemies you stored lions of events
With patience for their gloom and tribulations

١٤. وَذَخَرتَ لِلأَعداءِ أُسدَ وَقائِعٍ
صُبُراً عَلى غُمّاتِها وَكُروبِها

15. Lions whose horsemen the knights cannot withstand
Save for peers on the day of its battles

١٥. أُسدٌ فَرائِسُها الفَوارِسُ لا تَطا
إِلّا عَلى الأَقرانِ يَومَ حُروبِها

16. How many seditions you encountered and seized their opportunity
So you subdued them and pounced before their confusion

١٦. كَم فِتنَةٍ لاقَيتَ فيها فُرصَةً
فَحَتَمتُها وَوَثَبتَ قَبلَ وُثوبِها

17. You watched their side with a shrewd, discerning glance
Keenly aware of the scorpion of illness and its creeping

١٧. راعَيتَ جانِبَها بِلَحظٍ حازِمٍ
فَطِنٍ بِعَقرَبِ عِلَّةٍ وَدَبيبِها

18. How many words are strung in prose
That naught can improve but the beads' holes

١٨. كَم قائِلٍ وَالهامُ تُنظَمُ في القَنا
لا يُصلَحُ الخَرَزاتِ غَيرُ ثُقوبِها

19. A pole who steers the mill of events around him
Unique in its turns and occurrences

١٩. قُطبٌ يُديرُ رَحى الحَوادِثِ حَولَهُ
مُتَفَرِّدٌ بِصُروفِها وَخُطوبِها

20. With covenants of a pact you upheld and augmented
Binding them as knots are tied in shoelaces

٢٠. وَعُهودِ ميثاقٍ أَخَذتَ وَزِدتَها
شَدّاً كَما عُقِدَ القَنا بِكُعوبِها

21. And resolves you determined in his silence
Imaginings cannot uncover the veil of their mysteries

٢١. وَعَزائِمٍ رَعهَدتُها في صَمتِهِ
لا تَكشِفُ الأَوهامُ سِترَ غُيوبِها

22. And the innocent do not rend what you have faced
Save by the sound of their texts and mounts

٢٢. وَالبيضُ لا يَهتِكنَ ما لاقَيتَهُ
إِلّا بِصَوتِ مُتونِها وَرُكوبِها

23. And many malign ones a soul obtained
From its defects and beloved from its enemies

٢٣. وَلَرُبَّ أَشرارٍ لِنَفسٍ نالَها
أَعدائُها مِن خِلِّها وَحَبيبِها

24. And it attains what the hasty miss by patience
And residing long with the cavalry in approaching it

٢٤. وَتَنالُ ما فاتَ العَجولَ تَمَهُّلاً
وَدَوّمُ حُضرِ الخَيلِ في تَقريبِها

25. How many a state grew ill and you cured it for us
Else its illness would have triumphed over its healer

٢٥. كَم دَولَةٍ مَرِضَت وَأَبرَأَها لَنا
لَولاهُ بَرَّحَ سُقمُها بِطَبيبِها

26. And how many an ear you have rung with proof
Refining it from its doubts and flaws

٢٦. وَلَرُبَّ سَمعٍ قَد قَرَعتَ بِحُجَّةٍ
هَذَّبتُها مِن شَكِّها وَعُيوبِها

27. Its enviers praised it with propriety
While its adversary judged it obligatory

٢٧. أَثنى عَلَيها بِالصَوابِ حَسودُها
وَقَضى عَلَيها خَصمُها بِوُجوبِها

28. Granting it success from his statements
White, radiant for those who walk by them

٢٨. إِعطائُها التَوفيقَ مِن كَلِماتِهِ
بَيضاءَ ساطِعَةً لِمَن يَسري بِها