1. Gray hair forbade ignorance after dispute
Yet not every forbider is an advisor to obey
١. نَهى الجَهلَ شَيبُ الرَأسِ بَعدَ نِزاعِ
وَما كُلُّ ناهٍ ناصِحٍ بِمُطاعِ
2. The white hair appeared and bid farewell
The flirtations of youth days with farewell
٢. رَأَت أُقحُوانَ الشَيبِ لاحَ وَآذَنَت
مَلاحاتُ أَيّامِ الصِبا بِوَداعِ
3. It said, time has fooled you in the dye of youth
And you were the best treasure of the young men
٣. فَقالَت مَحاكَ الدَهرُ في صَبغَةِ الصِبا
وَكُنتَ مِنَ الفِتيانِ خَيرَ مِتاعِ
4. Evil one, time has destroyed my strength
And my cunning and defense did not avail me
٤. شُرَيرَ فَإِنَّ الدَهرَ هَدَّمَ قوَّتي
وَلَم يُغنِ عَنّي حيلَتي وَدِفاعي
5. It has grayed me every day and night
Waiting for death's caller, the first caller
٥. وَشَيَّبَني في كُلِّ يَومٍ وَلَيلَةٍ
تَنَظُّرُ داعي الحَتفِ أَوَّلَ داعِ
6. And the two new ones who undertook
Leading me to youths in haste
٦. وَإِنَّ الجَديدَينِ الَّذينِ تَضَمَّنا
قِيادي بِأَحداثٍ إِلَيَّ سِراعِ
7. They were fair to me before when I was a lad
And fought me later, what a fight!
٧. هُما أَنصَفاني قَبلُ إِذ أَنا ناشِئٌ
وَقَد صارَعاني بَعدُ أَيَّ صِراعِ
8. Like she-camels whose bitterness when they tightened
The ropes of their rough hands in their craft
٨. كَناقِضَةٍ أَمرارَها حينَ أَحكَمَت
قُوى حَبلِ خَرقاءِ اليَدَينِ صَناعِ
9. And anger at enemies which they don't taste
And plenty for them from it in amplest measure
٩. وَغَيظاً عَلى الأَعداءِ لا يَجرَعونَهُ
وَكَيلاً لَهُم مِنهُ بِأَوفَرِ صاعِ
10. And evil brethren whom I befriended
Were for planting affection the evilest place
١٠. وَإِخوانِ شَرٍّ قَد حَرَثتُ إِخائَهُم
فَكانوا لِغَرسِ الوِدِّ شَرَّ بِقاعِ
11. I sparked the flint of connection between me and them
So I kindled a fire without glow
١١. قَدَحتُ زِنادَ الوَصلِ بَيني وَبَينَهُم
فَأَذكَيتُ ناراً غَيرَ ذاتِ شُعاعِ
12. And when they shunned me with their souls' affection
I overcame my yearning and dispute toward them
١٢. وَلَمّا نَأَوا عَنّي بِوِدِّ نُفوسِهِم
غَلَبتُ حَنيني نَحوَهُم وَنِزاعي
13. And honor with heaven lasting
Which they took from me in longest extent
١٣. وَمَكرُمَةٍ عِندَ السَماءِ مُنيفَةٍ
تَناوَلَها مِنّي بِأَطوَلِ باعِ
14. And how many sovereigns suffering punishment ungranted
Able to seize souls obeyed
١٤. وَكَم مَلِكٍ قاسى العِقابَ مُمَنَّعٍ
قَديرٍ عَلى قَبضِ النُفوسِ مُطاعِ
15. I see him so he makes me taste some trickery
So I honor my nature and manners over him
١٥. أَراهُ فَيُعديني مِنَ المَكرِ ما بِهِ
فَأُكرِمُ عَنهُ شَيمَتي وَطِباعي
16. And I will fulfill all praises in full
Yet some hopes remain for me after them
١٦. وَإِنّي لَأَستَوفي المَحامِدَ كُلَّها
وَقَد بَقِيَت لي بَعدَهُنَّ مَساعِ
17. And news will ascertain you if you ask
And it's enough what you hear of the unseen
١٧. وَتَصدُقُكَ الأَنباءُ إِن كُنتَ سائِلاً
وَحَسبُكَ مِمّا لا تَرى بِسَماعِ