
The blamer has no excuse for blaming the wine cup

لا عذر للعاذل في الكاس

1. The blamer has no excuse for blaming the wine cup
For I see no evil in the cup

١. لا عُذرَ لِلعاذِلِ في الكاسِ
فَما أَرى في الكاسِ مِن باسِ

2. Woe to me from people and their blaming
People have never suffered from people

٢. وَيلي مِنَ الناسِ وَمِن لَومِهِم
ما لَقِيَ الناسُ مِنَ الناسِ

3. With a slender waist and sunken eyes
Yearning for the promise, passing the cup

٣. مُهَفهَفِ الخَصرِ هَضيمِ الحَشا
مُشَوَّقٍ بِالوَعدِ مَكّاسِ

4. His scarf wrapped around his neck
Circling a cup amongst boon companions

٤. وَقامَ في العاتِقِ مَنديلُهُ
يُديرُ كَأساً بَينَ جُلّاسِ

5. Penetrating ears since last night
Under a wreath of myrtle

٥. وَيَدخُلُ الآذانَ مِن أَمسِهِ
مِن تَحتِ إِكليلٍ مِنَ الآسِ

6. He tucked up his garment to his waist
And urged us on with flagon and cup

٦. وَشَمَّرَ الذَيلَ إِلى خَصرِهِ
وَحَثَّنا بِالرَطلِ وَالكاسِ

7. Long has his estrangement tormented me
Afflicting my heart with disquieting thoughts

٧. وَطالَما عَذَّبَني هَجرُهُ
وَوَكَّلَ القَلبَ بِوِسواسِ

8. When his messengers brought me reconciliation
I forgot all that had passed

٨. لَمّا أَتَتني رُسُلُه بِالرِضا
أُنسيتُ ما مَرَّ عَلى راسي

9. And I have not ceased, while the night cloaks us
With no overseers or guards

٩. وَلَم أَزَل وَاللَيلُ سُترٌ لَنا
مِن دونِ رُقابٍ وَحُرّاسِ

10. To complain to the glances of his eyes for what
I suffered from his cruel heart

١٠. أَشكو إِلى غَمزَةِ عَينَيهِ ما
قاسَيتُهُ مِن قَلبِهِ القاسي

11. On a night the like of which no night ever was
As long as I live among people

١١. في لَيلَةٍ ما مِثلَها لَيلَةٌ
لَستُ لَها ما عِشتُ بِالناسي