
I once severed it, though it would not obey,

قطعته يوما وليس يطيعه

1. I once severed it, though it would not obey,
Alas, its canal was not yet fully formed.

١. قَطَّعتُهُ يَوماً وَلَيسَ يُطيعُهُ
هَيهاتَ إِنَّ قَناتَهُ لَم تُمضَغِ

2. It kept frightening me with the specter of my death,
So unload it, O Hind, of what I seek.

٢. ظَلَّت تُخَوِّفُني لِقاءَ مَنيَّتي
فَأُحِلُّها يا هِندُ مِمّا أَبتَغي

3. And you dragged me into the journey of blame and harm,
So rein in your mount, O Hind, lest you attain it.

٣. وَأَطَلتِ بي سَفَرَ المَلامَةِ وَالأَذى
فَاِثني الرِكابَ هُنيدَ أَن تَتَبَلَّغي

4. Turn to my excuse, for I bargain
Generosity for the generosity of the Bountiful God.

٤. صَيري إِلى عُذري فَإِنّي مُشتَرٍ
بِالجودِ مِن جودِ الإِلَهِ الأَسبَغِ

5. O you who confides in a disobedient soul
And crawls beneath treacherous snakes' bites.

٥. يا مَن يُناجي صَعبَةً في نَفسِهِ
وَيَدُبُّ مِن تَحتِ الأَفاعي اللُدغِ

6. Who spends the night rousing sighs in his chest,
My blood will heal my wounds if shed.

٦. وَيَبيتُ يُنهِضُ زَفرَةً في صَدرِهِ
مِنّي فَإِن دَمِيَت جِراحي يُولَغِ

7. And he remains violating my honor, secure,
Happy when he fears the beauty of silk.

٧. وَيَظَلُّ مُنتَهِكاً لِعِرضي آمِناً
وَيُسَرُّ حينَ يَخافُ حُسنَ المَربَغِ

8. The consciences of his chest are dyed with his disease,
Dyed like undyed hides.

٨. نَغِلَت ضَمائِرُ صَدرِهِ مِن دائِهِ
نَغلَ الإِهابِ مُعَطَّلاً لَم يُدبَغِ

9. Do not seek from me what I do not seek.
If you are busy with my affairs, then make yourself free.

٩. لا تَبتَغي مِنّي الَّتي لا أَبتَغي
إِن كُنتَ مَشغولاً بِشَأني فَاِفرَغِ

10. You tire me without reproach for a misstep -
Sorrow that straightens the crooked.

١٠. أَنهاكَ غَيرَ مُعاتِبٍ عَن خَطَّةٍ
حَزنٍ مُقَوِّمَةٍ زُيوغَ الزُيَّغِ

11. I have severity towards the sons of wickedness
That would strike their heads if they are not dyed.

١١. عِندي لِأَبناءِ السَخائِمِ وَطأَةٌ
تَرمي رُؤوسَهُمُ إِذا لَم تَدمَغِ

12. And the devil of hypocrisy fears my stances -
If he sees me present, he will not pull.

١٢. وَيَخافُ شَيطانُ النِفاقِ مَواقِفي
وَإِذا رَآني حاضِراً لَم يَنزَغِ

13. He voluntarily gives the rein when he sees his head,
And gives his whip what it seeks.

١٣. يُعطي العِنانَ إِذا رَآهُ رَأسَهُ
طَوعاً وَيُعطي سَوطَهُ ما يَبتَغي

14. And it is as if white shackles of forged iron
Were forced upon him.

١٤. وَكَأَنَّما شُقَّت عَلَيهِ غُلالَةٌ
بَيضاءُ مِن زُبَرِ الحَديدِ المُفرَغِ