
How short the night seems to the sleeper

ما أقصر الليل على الراقد

1. How short the night seems to the sleeper
And light the illness seems to the convalescent

١. ما أَقصَرَ اللَيلَ عَلى الراقِدِ
وَأَهوَنَ السَقمَ عَلى العائِدِ

2. I would give my soul for what is left of your love
I’m not ungrateful for what we once shared

٢. يَفديكَ ما أَبقَيتَ مِن مُهجَتي
لَستُ لِما أَولَيتَ بِالجاحِدِ

3. It was as if I embraced a sweet basil plant
That breathed into the cold night air

٣. كَأَنَّني عانَقتُ رَيحانَةً
تَنَفَّسَت في لَيلِها البارِدِ

4. If you were to see us wrapped in the shirt of darkness
You would think us one body, one soul

٤. فَلَو تَرانا في قَميصِ الدُجى
حَسِبتَنا في جَسَدٍ واحِدِ