1. The rainwatered place with shade and trees
And the monastery of Abdu'n was pouring rain
١. سَقى المَطيرَةَ ذاتَ الظِلِّ وَالشَجَرِ
وَدَيرَ عِبدَونَ هَطّالٌ مِنَ المَطَرِ
2. For long it has awakened me for dawn with it
In the prime of dawn, and the sparrow had not flown
٢. فَطالَما نَبَّهَتني لِلصَبوحِ بِها
في غُرَّةِ الفَجرِ وَالعُصفورُ لَم يَطِرِ
3. Voices of the monks of a monastery in their prayers
Black-robed, chanting in the dawn
٣. أَصواتُ رُهبانِ دَيرٍ في صَلاتِهِمُ
سودِ المَدارِعِ نَعّارينَ في السَحَرِ
4. Dressed in belts at the waists, they have made
On the heads garlands of hair
٤. مُزَنَّرَينَ عَلى الأَوساطِ قَد جَعَلوا
عَلى الرُؤوسِ أَكاليلاً مِنَ الشَعرِ
5. How many fair of face among them, kohl-lined
With magic he closes his eyelids over the pupil
٥. كَم فيهِمُ مِن مَليحِ الوَجهِ مُكتَحِلٍ
بِالسِحرِ يُطبِقُ جَفنَيهِ عَلى حَوَرِ
6. I watched him passionately until he yielded
Willingly and promised me the rendezvous with a glance
٦. لاحَظتُهُ بِالهَوى حَتّى اِستَقادَ لَهُ
طَوعاً وَأَسلَفَني الميعادَ بِالنَظَرِ
7. And he came to me in the shirt of night, stealthily
Hastening his steps in fear and in caution
٧. وَجاءَني في قَميصِ اللَيلِ مُستَتِراً
يَستَعجِلُ الخَطوَ مِن خَوفٍ وَمِن حَذَرِ
8. So I rose, laying my cheek in the road for him
Humbled, dragging my train behind the footsteps
٨. فَقُمتُ أَفرِشُ خَدَّي في الطَريقِ لَهُ
ذُلّاً وَأَسحَبُ أَذيالي عَلى الأَثَرِ
9. And the light of a crescent appeared, nearly exposing us
Like an inky-black raven freshly dyed
٩. وَلاحَ ضَوءُ هِلالٍ كادَ يَفضَحُنا
مِثلَ القُلامَةِ قَد قُدَّت مِنَ الظُفُرِ
10. So what happened, happened, of what I shall not recall
Think well, and do not ask about the news
١٠. فَكانَ ما كانَ مِمّا لَستُ أَذكُرُهُ
فَظُنَّ خَيراً وَلا تَسأَل عَنِ الخَبَرِ