
Many a matter you seek to avoid

رب أمر تتقيه

1. Many a matter you seek to avoid
Has brought about that which you desire

١. رُبَّ أَمرٍ تَتَّقيهِ
جَرَّ أَمراً تَرتَجيهِ

2. The beloved is concealed within it
While the loathed has appeared therein

٢. خَفِيَ المَحبوبُ مِنهُ
وَبَدا المَكروهُ فيهِ

3. So leave this world and surrender
To the justice that comes after it

٣. فَاِترُكِ الدَهرَ وَسَلِّم
هُ إِلى عَدلٍ يَليهِ