
O Lord, my love for this friend has weakened me

يا رب قد أبلاني

1. O Lord, my love for this friend has weakened me
And my tears have betrayed my secret

١. يا رَبُّ قَد أَبلاني
حُبّي لِذا الخَوّانِ

2. And my silence has betrayed me
O flower of the garden

٢. وَباحَ دَمعي بِسِرّي
وَخانَني كِتماني

3. O breeze of sweet basil
You are the son of the full moon and the sun

٣. يا زَهرَةَ البُستانِ
يا نَفحَةَ الرَيحانِ

4. You are not just a human
Nothing compares to your mansion

٤. أَنتَ اِبنُ بَدرٍ وَشَمسٍ
ما أَنتَ مِن إِنسانِ

5. With walls of light
And a roof of fire

٥. ما لِلثُرَيّا شَبيهٌ
فيما بَنى قَطُّ بانِ

6. And a courtyard of ruby
Delighting the eyes in paradise

٦. حيطانُهُ مِن نورٍ
وَالسَقفُ مِن نيرانِ

7. With water flowing over it
In a sparkling stream

٧. وَالصَحنُ ياقوتُ دُرٍّ
لِلعَينِ في جِنانِ

8. So live there in peace
Caliph of the Merciful

٨. وَالماءُ يَعدو عَلَيها
في جَدوَلٍ رَيّانِ

9. And be with time, for an age
With a life as long as the life of the building

٩. فَعِش بِذاكَ سَليماً
خَليفَةَ الرَحمَنِ

10. So you both remain
While the two burdens pass

١٠. وَكُن مَعَ الدَهرِ دَهراً
عُمراً كَما عُمرانِ

11. Like the approaching of two wings
Of this and that bird constantly flying

١١. فَتَبقَيانِ جَميعاً
وَيَنفَدُ الثُقلانِ

12. This grieved and that fell down
In a place

١٢. مِثلُ اِقتِرابِ جَناحَي
نِ ذا وَذا دائِبانِ

13. And nothing lasts forever
And everything perishes

١٣. أَسَفَّ هَذا وَهَذا
وَوَقَعا في مَكانِ

١٤. وَلَيسَ يَخلُدُ شَيءٌ
وَكُلُّ شَيءٍ فانِ