
O valley of loved ones, you were watered as a valley

أيا وادي الأحباب سقيت واديا

1. O valley of loved ones, you were watered as a valley
And remained watering though you were empty

١. أَيا وادِيَ الأَحبابِ سُقّيتَ وادِياً
وَلا زِلتَ مَسقِيّاً وَإِن كُنتَ خالِيا

2. So do not forget the ruins of Dujail and its water
Nor the palms of the monastery if you were a waterer

٢. فَلا تَنسَ أَطلالَ الدُجَيلِ وَمائَهُ
وَلا نَخَلاتِ الدَيرِ إِن كُنتَ ساقِيا

3. Oh, how many days have I worn its shadows
As the sheath donned the Yemeni sword

٣. أَلا رُبَّ يَومٍ قَد لَبِستُ ظِلالَهُ
كَما أَغمَدَ القَينُ الحُسامَ اليَمانِيا

4. And I did not forget my moonlike dove in the evening
On its branch, it calls the cooing doves

٤. وَلَم أَنسَ قُمرِيَّ الحَمامِ عَشِيَّةً
عَلى فَرعِها تَدعو الحَمامَ البَواكِيا

5. When it flows describing gardens of flowers
Its banks and pouring smoothly on the ground

٥. إِذا ما جَرى حاكَت رِياضَ أَزاهِرٍ
جَوانِبُهُ وَاِنصاعَ في الأَرضِ جارِيا

6. And if the eye penetrated it, it found its rest
The pebbles in it seem to be twinkling stars

٦. وَإِن ثَقَبَتهُ العَينُ لاقَت قَرارَهُ
تَخالُ الحَصى فيها نُجوماً رَواسِيا

7. So longing for you after I almost herded
And abandoned the causes of love and accord

٧. فَيالَكَ شَوقاً بَعدَ ما كِدتُ أَرعَوي
وَأَهجُرُ أَسبابَ الهَوى وَالتَصابِيا

8. And I woke up with speckled gray hair
Sprinkled on me, though I concealed what was not hidden

٨. وَأَصبَحتُ أَرفو الشَيبَ وَهوَ مُرَقَّعٌ
عَلَيَّ وَأُخفي مِنهُ ما لَيسَ خافِيا

9. And youth almost covered me with its wing
But it has deviated from my head leaving the past

٩. وَقَد كادَ يَكسوني الشَبابُ جَناحَهُ
فَقَد حادَ عَن رَأسي وَخَلَّفَ ماضِيا

10. The prime of life is gone so it's gone
And I've been angered by the dispositions of a world I was once pleased with

١٠. مَضى فَمَضى طيبُ الحَياةِ وَأُسخِطَت
خَلائِقُ دُنيا كُنتُ عَنهُنَّ راضِيا

11. And I did not attain what God has forbidden in love
Nor did I abandon what God has left remaining

١١. وَلَم آتِ ما قَد حَرَّمَ اللَهُ في الهَوى
وَلَم أَتَّرِك مِمّا عَفا اللَهُ باقِيا

12. When the eye of a flirtatious one walked on me
It does not look beyond me to who's behind me

١٢. إِذا ما تَمَشَّت فِيَّ عَينُ خَريدَةٍ
فَلَيسَت تَخَطّاني إِلى مَن وَرائِيا

13. So my critic leave me and my affairs and do not be
Harsh regarding who I love and leave me to what's in me

١٣. فَيا عاذِلي دَعني وَشَأني وَلا تَكُن
شَجٍ في الَّذي أَهوى وَدَعني لِما بِيا

14. And a night the cloak of youth you've torn
With honest lads who never tire of wishes

١٤. وَلَيلٍ كَجِلبابِ الشَبابِ قَطَعتَهُ
بِفِتيانِ صِدقٍ لا تَمَلُّ الأَمانِيا

15. They walked proudly then descended from a barren hill
As the archer disabled the strong bow

١٥. سَروا ثُمَّ حَطّوا عَن قُلاصٍ خَوامِسٍ
كَما عَطَلَ الرامي القَسِيَّ الحَوانِيا

16. Do you not know, O my critic, that my right side
Is pastureland in the dew and my left protection

١٦. أَلَم تَعلَما يا عاذِلَيَّ بِأَنَّما
يَمينِيَ مَرعىً في النَدى وَشِمالِيا

17. And I prepared for war helpers
And the brownish polished swordsman ascended

١٧. وَأَعدَدتُ لِلحَربِ العَوانِ طِمِرَّةً
وَأَسمَرَ مَطرورَ الحَديدَةِ عالِيا

18. And you must face a death that will meet you on its day
So do not despair of a death which is what it is

١٨. وَلا بُدَّ مِن حَتفٍ يُلاقيكَ يَومُهُ
فَلا تَجزَعَن مِن ميتَةٍ هِيَ ما هِيا

19. And a group we watered its land with its blood
And had it been well, we would have accepted well being

١٩. وَجَمعٍ سَقَينا أَرضَهُ مِن دِمائِهِ
وَلَو كانَ عافانا قَبِلنا العَوافِيا

20. And we trampled them with striking and stabbing
Killing grudges then bringing glories to life

٢٠. وَدُسناهُمُ بِالضَربِ وَالطَعنِ دَوسَةً
أَماتَت حُقوداً ثُمَّ أَحيَت مَعالِيا

21. Take your share of our good for our evil
With evil only increases persistence

٢١. خُذو حَظَّكُم مِن خَيرِنا إِنَّ شَرَّنا
مَعَ الشَرِّ لا يَزدادُ إِلّا تَمادِيا

22. So we laid out for you from us an affectionate wing
While you for a time crouch the lowlands

٢٢. فَرَشنا لَكُم مِنّا جَناحَ مَوَدَّةٍ
وَأَنتُم زَماناً تُلجِثونَ الدَواهِيا

23. I think you are from the firewood of night, its
Ropes gathered scorpions and snakes

٢٣. أَظُنُّكُمُ مِن حاطِبِ اللَيلِ جَمَّعَت
حَبائِلُهُ عَقارِباً وَأَفاعِيا