
The content lives a blessed life,

للمكتفي دولة مباركة

1. The content lives a blessed life,
Where people lived after they died.

١. لِلمُكتَفي دَولَةٌ مُبارَكَةٌ
عاشَ بِها الناسُ بَعدَ ما ماتوا

2. Under his crown, a moon shines bright,
He came to power at the right time.

٢. يَلوحُ مِن تَحتِ تاجِهِ قَمَرٌ
وافى بِهِ لِلسُعودِ ميقاتُ

3. A caliph who grants every request,
The earth and heavens by him are blessed.

٣. خَليفَةٌ لا يَخيبُ سائِلُهُ
سُرَّت بِهِ الأَرضُ وَالسَمَواتُ

4. No Hashimite can to him compare,
From where, from where, who is his peer?

٤. ما وَلَدَت هاشِمٌ لَهُ شَبَهاً
مِن أَينَ مِن أَينَ مِثلُهُ هاتوا