
Death keeps taking my family and neighbors,

وما زال أخذ الموت أهلي وجيرتي

1. Death keeps taking my family and neighbors,
Reminding me that I too will pass away.

١. وَما زالَ أَخذُ المَوتِ أَهلي وَجيرَتي
يُحَدِّثُ عَنّي إِن سَيَأتي عَلى نَفسي

2. I have come to accept death though against my will,
And though cups are passed my way, my time is brief.

٢. فَقَد صِرتُ مَحمولاً عَلى المَوتِ مُكرَهاً
وَإِن حُثَّتِ الكاساتُ طالَ لَها حَبسي