
Who will ward off worries from the distressed,

من يذود الهموم عن مكروب

1. Who will ward off worries from the distressed,
The helpless amid calamities and adversities?

١. مَن يَذودَ الهُمومَ عَن مَكروبِ
مُستَكينٍ لِحادِثاتِ الخُطوبِ

2. The days have transformed him into endless sorrow,
From joy and the bounty of a lush life.

٢. حَوَّلَتهُ الدُنيا إِلى طولِ حُزنٍ
مِن سُرورٍ وَطيبِ عَيشٍ خَصيبِ

3. Thus amid the cruelty of fate he takes
No day with luck or gain.

٣. فَهوَ في جَفوَةِ المَقاديرِ لا يَأ
خُذُ يَوماً مِن دَولَةٍ بِنَصيبِ

4. A servant of wishes, which enslaved him
With broken promises, breach and lies.

٤. خادِمٌ لِلمُنى قَدِ اِستَعبَدَتهُ
بِمَطالٍ وَخُلفِ وَعدٍ كَذوبِ

5. Even friends shunned him, to the point
That any dear or close friend became poisonous.

٥. وَجَفاهُ الإِخوانُ حَتّى وَحَتّى
سَمِّ مَن شِئتَ مِن حَبيبٍ قَريبِ

6. The world preoccupied them, feeding on his wounds
With greed and enticement.

٦. شَغَلَتهُم دُنياهُ تَأكُلُ مِن دَر
رَت عَلَيهِ بِالحِرصِ وَالتَرغيبِ

7. And I see their love like a mirage
That deceived thirsty people in barren plains.

٧. وَأَرى وِدَّهُم كَلَمعِ سَرابٍ
غَرَّ قَوماً عَطشى بِقاعٍ جَدوبِ

8. Long have they wrinkled their cheeks and struck
The ground on days of revelry and riding.

٨. طالَما صَعَّروا الخُدودَ وَهَزّوا ال
أَرضَ في يَومِ مَحفِلٍ وَرُكوبِ

9. Then they became residents of graves and dwellers
Of dust beneath erected biers.

٩. ثُمَّ أَمسَوا وَفدَ القُبورِ وَسُكّا
نَ الثَرى تَحتَ جَندَلٍ مَنصوبِ

10. Alas, the memory of others whom the fate
Of death took in their prime and old age!

١٠. آهِ مِن ذِكرِ آخَرينَ رَماهُم
قَدَرُ المَوتِ مِن شَبابٍ وَشيبِ

11. They are gone from virtuous deeds and words,
Brothers present and absent.

١١. بِدَعٌ مِن مَكارِمِ الفِعلِ وَالقَو
لِ وَإِخوانِ مَحضِرٍ وَمَغيبِ

12. After them I do not truly see the form of man,
Only despicable natures.

١٢. لَستُ مِن بَعدِهِم أَرى صورَةَ الإِن
سِ يَقيناً إِلّا خَلائِقَ ذيبِ

13. Accompany love with loyalty, and beware
Of hypocrisy, deception and falsehood.

١٣. صَحِبوا الوُدَّ بِالوَفاءِ وَصَحّوا
مِن نِفاقٍ وَالبِشرِ وَالتَقريبِ

14. How many generous souls see a promise as stinginess
Due to frequent giving.

١٤. كَم كَريمٍ يَرى الوَعدَ بُخلاً
مِنهُ قَلَّ لِكَثرَةِ المَوهوبِ

15. They meet requests with a face
Unhardened by frowns.

١٥. يَتَلَقّى السُؤالَ مِنهُ بِوَجهٍ
لَم يُخَدِّد خُدودَهُ بِالقُطوبِ

16. So they quenched them like their generosity,
Or like my streaming tears of pouring rain.

١٦. فَسَقاهُم كَجودِهِم أَو كَدَمعي
صَوبَ غَيثٍ ذي هَيدَبٍ مَسكوبِ

17. Princes who led the blindness of an army
That leaves rocks behind it like hills.

١٧. أُمَراءٌ قادوا أَعِنَّةَ جَيشٍ
يَترُكُ الصَخرَ خَلفَهُ كَالكَثيبِ

18. They fill the sky with the risen dust of war,
And the earth with spilled blood.

١٨. يَملَأونَ السَماءَ مِن قَسطَلِ الحَر
بِ وَفي الأَرضِ مِن دَمٍ مَصبوبِ

19. And they shake all greenery like tremors
Of the past over its remnants and traces.

١٩. وَيَهُزّونَ كُلَّ أَخضَرَ كَالبَق
لَةِ ماضٍ عَلى الفُلولِ رَسوبِ

20. You see in their dead only wounds
Like the mouth of a lute lamenting.

٢٠. لا تَرى في قَتيلِهِ غَيرَ جُرحٍ
كَفَمِ العودِ ضَجَّ عِندَ اللَغوبِ

21. A blow that has no equal among blows
Took his soul without torture.

٢١. ضَربَةٌ ما لَها مِنَ الضَربِ جارٌ
أَخَذَت نَفسَهُ بِلا تَعذيبِ

22. Thus had he lived he would not have sought vengeance,
Nor counted his killing a sin.

٢٢. فَهوَ لَو عاشَ لَم يُطالِب بِثَأرٍ
لا وَلا عَدَّ قَتلَهُ في الذُنوبِ

23. Say to my life: you have overpowered me,
So do what you want with me.

٢٣. قُل لِدُنيايَ قَد تَمَكَّنتِ مِنّي
فَاِفعَلي ما أَرَدتِ أَن تَفعَلي بي

24. And tear me as you please like a fool,
For I have the patience of a wise man for you.

٢٤. وَاِخرُقي كَيفَ شِئتِ خُرقَ جَهولٍ
إِنَّ عِندي لَكِ اِصطِبارَ لَبيبِ

25. Wondrous are the workings of time
That satisfied me through experience.

٢٥. رُبَّ أُعجوبَةٍ مِنَ الدَهرِ بِكرٍ
وَعَوانٍ قَد راضَها تَجريبي

26. My friend, remove from me the wine cup,
For my soul has become sufficient company for me.

٢٦. رُدَّ عَنّي كَأسَ المُدامِ خَليلي
إِنَّ نَفسي صارَت عَلَيَّ حَسيبي

27. My hair turned white and my youth ended,
My critic slept and my watcher disappeared.

٢٧. وَبَدَت شَيبَتي وَتَمَّ شَبابي
وَاِنتَهى عاذِلي وَنامَ رَقيبي

28. And I avoided the path of passion and folly,
Saying: "O soul, repent!"

٢٨. وَتَنَحَّيتُ عَن طَريقِ الغَواني
وَالتَصابي وَقُلتُ يا نَفسِ توبي

29. And hands that urged me to drink
Were an expert hunter of hearts.

٢٩. وَلَقَد حَثَّ بِالمُدامَةِ كَفّي
شادِنٌ حاذِقٌ بِصَيدِ القُلوبِ

30. He approached us, so which staff
Then turned away from us, so which hill!

٣٠. جاءَنا مُقبِلاً فَأَيُّ قَضيبٍ
ثُمَّ وَلّى عَنّا فَأَيُّ كَثيبِ

31. And he preyed on the bird of the Eden,
A thoroughbred steed bounding ahead.

٣١. وَلَقَد أَغتَدي عَلى طائِرِ العَد
وُ جَوادٍ مُسَوَّمٍ يَعبوبِ

32. So when he traveled, the land was pounded
After his tail whipped it.

٣٢. فَإِذا سارَ دُكَّتِ الأَرضُ دَكّاً
بَعدَ إِذ رامَها بِذَيلِ عَسيبِ

33. A beast whose inebriation was increased
By the wine flask and repeated sips.

٣٣. قارِحٍ زانَهُ خِمارٌ مِنَ العُر
فِ يُفادي بِالسَبحِ وَالتَقريبِ

34. That is the one who seduced me,
The deceit of an alluring and gentle lady.

٣٤. ذاكَ مَن لَذَّني وَزَيّافَةُ المَش
يِ خَنوفٍ نَجيبَةٍ لِنَجيبِ

35. Her slapping and scolding when the whip was used
And the rider endured long roads.

٣٥. ضَربُها زَجرُها إِذا اِستُعمِلَ السَو
طُ وَعَضَّ المَطِيَّ طولُ الدُروبِ

36. If you see me, O evil one, lying down and
Tired of my returning and doctor.

٣٦. إِن تَرَيني يا شَرُّ مُلقىً عَلى الفُر
شِ وَقَد مَلَّ عائِدي وَطَبيبي

37. I was the flower of gatherings in peace,
And a fortress for heroes in times of war.

٣٧. كُنتُ رَيحانَةَ المَجالِسِ في السِل
مِ وَحَتفَ الأَبطالِ يَومَ الحُروبِ

38. At dawn I bid them farewell with a grinding millstone,
Like attacking troops of cavalry.

٣٨. وَعِداً صَبَّحتُهُم بِرَحى جَي
شٍ رُكامٍ مِثلِ الدَبى المَجلوبِ

39. Everyday the wolf takes his fill of them
In outstretched necks like robes.

٣٩. يَلِغُ الذِئبُ مِنهُمُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
في نُحورٍ مَعطوطَةٍ كَالجُيوبِ

40. And I uncover tribulations with an opinion
From which truth is not concealed.

٤٠. وَلَقَد أَكشِفُ الخُطوبَ بِرَأيٍ
لَيسَ عَنهُ الصَوابُ بِالمَحجوبِ

41. Mature, not hasty, and if enabled
In an opportunity, quick to pounce.

٤١. مُنضَجٍ غَيرِ مُعجَلٍ وَهوَ إِن أُم
كِنَ في فُرصَةٍ سَريعُ الوُثوبِ

42. And I pardon those free of illness,
And quench my sword with the blood of the oppressor.

٤٢. وَأُعافي العافينَ مِن سَقَمِ الجو
عِ وَأَسقي سَيفي دَمَ العُرقوبِ

43. Yet here you see what became of me.
So if something afflicts you,

٤٣. وَلَقَد صِرتُ ما تَرينَ فَإِن كا
نَ حِماماً يا شَرُّ هَذا الَّذي بي

44. Turn to me or continue with crying and wailing.

٤٤. فَإِذا ما اِبتَلاكِ شَيءٌ فَميلي
أَو فَدومي عَلى البُكا وَالنَحيبِ