
My brother, by Allah, is better than your brother

أخي والله خير من أخيكم

1. My brother, by Allah, is better than your brother
When a hero cannot find a place to stay

١. أَخي وَاللَهِ خَيرٌ مِن أَخيكُم
إِذا ما لَم يَجِد بَطَلُ مُقاما

2. My brother, by Allah, is better than your brother
When a shepherd cannot find a pasture

٢. أَخي وَاللَهِ خَيرٌ مِن أَخيكُم
إِذا ما لَم يَجِد راعٍ مَساما

3. My brother, by Allah, is better than your brother
When the guards show their servants

٣. أَخي وَاللَهِ خَيرٌ مِن أَخيكُم
إِذا الخَفراتِ أَبدَينَ الخِداما

4. I killed your brother and the best of Saad
So if it is war, Hudhaifa, and if it is peace

٤. قَتَلتُ بِهِ أَخاكَ وَخَيرَ سَعدٍ
فَإِن حَرباً حُذيفَ وَإِن سَلاما

5. Tha'labah ibn Saad turns back the war
By the grace of Allah, they pasture the camels

٥. تَرُدُّ الحَربَ ثعلَبَةُ بنُ سَعدٍ
بِحَمدِ اللَهِ يَرعونَ البِهاما

6. And Murrah's singing spared us
The grazing sheep leave it standing

٦. وتغني مُرّةَ الأثرين عنا
عروجُ الشاءِ تتركُه قياما

7. And how can you say the patience of Banu Hajan
When they were aggrieved and found no place to stay

٧. وَكَيفَ تَقولُ صَبرُ بَني حَجانٍ
إِذا غَرِضوا وَلَم يَجِدوا مُقاما

8. And were it not for the family of Murrah, you would have seen
Their temples braiding their hair

٨. وَلَولا آلُ مرة قَد رَأَيتُم
نَواصِيَهُنَّ يَنضونَ القَتاما